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Definitions of marketing ‘Marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably’

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions of marketing ‘Marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions of marketing ‘Marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably’

2 ‘ Marketing is the human activity directed at satisfying human needs and wants through an exchange process’

3 1. Who are our existing / potential customers? 2. What are the current / future needs? 3. How can we satisfy these needs? Can we offer a product/ service that the customer would value? Can we communicate with our customers? Can we deliver a competitive product or service? 3. How can we satisfy these needs? Can we offer a product/ service that the customer would value? Can we communicate with our customers? Can we deliver a competitive product or service? 4. Why should customers buy from us?

4 6. Control - Ensuring arrival 5. Implementation - Getting there 4. Tactics - How do we get there? 3. Strategies - Which way is best? 2. Objectives - Where do we want to be? 1. Analysis/Audit - Where are we now? Marketing Management Process

5 Objectives of the Marketing Management 1. Acts as a roadmap 2. M anagement control and implementation of strategy 3. Informs new participants about their role and function 5. To obtain resources for implementation 5. To stimulate thinking and make better use of resources

6 Difference between Marketing and Selling Selling It is getting some one to buy some things from you. The Successful presentation of your product in such a way that your client sees the benefit of buying it. It is getting some one to buy some things from you. The Successful presentation of your product in such a way that your client sees the benefit of buying it.

7 Marketing It is developing a product and service that is perceived by the customers to fit their needs so preciously that they want to buy it.

8 Difference Between Marketing and selling 1.Marketing starts with the buyer and focuses constantly on buyer’s need 2.Views business as a customer satisfying process 3.‘Customer satisfaction’ is the primary motive 4.It assumes: “Let the seller beware” 5.Marketing has a wider connotation and includes many activities like planning & development, selling etc 1.Selling starts with the seller and is preoccupied all the time with the seller’s need 2.Views business as a goods producing process 3.‘Sales’ is the primary motive 4.It assumes: “Let the buyer beware” 5.Selling is a part of marketing

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