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Retail Market Subcommittee Update to COPS Kathy Scott April 15, 2015 1.

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1 Retail Market Subcommittee Update to COPS Kathy Scott April 15, 2015 1

2 Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) 2015 Goals Align Retail Market Subcommittee Goals with TAC goals and the strategic vision of the ERCOT Board of Directors. Maintain market rules that support Retail Market processes that are consistent with PURA and PUC. Support the appropriate incorporation of demand response and load participation in the Wholesale market. Explore and Implement Retail Market Enhancements. Facilitate market enhancements necessary to leverage the capabilities of Advanced Metering Systems in the retail market. Maintain market rules that support open access to the ERCOT retail market. Continue to work with ERCOT to develop Protocols and other market improvements that support increased data transparency and data availability to the market. If board approved, support all phases of the Retail Data Transport Upgrade to NAESB EDM and ERCOT’s implementation of a new Retail Testing Environment, including planning, execution, testing and market education & communication. Sunset MarkeTrak Task Force, if plan is developed and finalized to transition all MarkeTrak Taskforce responsibilities to the Texas Data Transport Working Group. Assess and develop Retail Market training initiatives. Voting: These 2015 RMS Goals as posted above were Unanimously Approved by RMS on 3/3/15 and TAC on 3/26/15. April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS2

3 RMGRR126 Voting Completed RMGRR126, Additional ERCOT Validations for Customer Billing Contact Information File ◦ This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) requires ERCOT to validate that the submitting Competitive Retailer’s (CR’s) DUNS Number (DUNS #) and the Electric Service Identifiers (ESI IDs) provided in the Customer Billing Contact Information file are valid in the ERCOT registration system. ◦ 02/03/15 RMS: RMS unanimously Approved RMGRR126 with TX SET January 26, 2015 comments. Impact Analysis review scheduled on March 3, 2015 RMS meeting. ◦ 03/03/15 RMS Impact Analysis Review and Vote:  Cost Between $35k and $55k  The timeline for implementing this Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) is dependent upon ERCOT Board prioritization and approval. Please see the Project Priority List (PPL) for additional information.  Estimated project duration: 4 to 6 months  No Impacts to ERCOTs Staffing ◦ 03/03/15: RMS Unanimously Approved RMGRR126 Impact Analysis with a Priority of 2015 and Rank of 1290. ◦ 3/12/15: PRS Unanimously Approved RMS’ recommendation. Voting: RMS (3/3/15) and TAC (3/26/15) Unanimously Approved RMGRR126 with a Priority of 2015 and Rank of 1290, this vote requires Board approval on 4/14/15 April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS3

4 RMGRR128 Voting Completed RMGRR128, Reinstate Critical Care Status After Resolution of an Inadvertent Gain (Vote) ◦ This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) provides guidelines for a Competitive Retailer (CR) to request that a Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) restore a critical care status to an Electric Service Identifier (ESI ID) that may have been removed from the ESI ID due to an inadvertent gain.  02/03/15 RMS: RMS unanimously Approved RMGRR128 with TX SET January 26, 2015 comments. Impact Analysis review scheduled on March 3, 2015 RMS meeting.  03/03/15 RMS Impact Analysis Review and Vote:  No project required. This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) can take effect upon the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) approval. No impacts to ERCOT’s Staffing  03/03/15: RMS Unanimously Approved RMGRR128 ◦ Voting: RMS (3/3/14) and TAC (3/26/15) Unanimously Approved of RMGRR128. RMGRR128 Market process changes were effective in the Retail Market Guide and Retail Market on April 1, 2015 April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS4

5 RMGRR129 Voting Recommendation: RMGRR129, Revision to Customer Rescission Completion Timeline (Vote) ◦ This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) provides additional guidelines regarding specific timing and responsibilities for a Competitive Retailer (CR) to complete a Customer Rescission MarkeTrak issue after completion of a Switch Request. Once a Customer Rescission MarkeTrak issue has been submitted, the losing CR has two Business Days to agree to the Customer Rescission MarkeTrak issue, and another two Business Days to send a backdated 814_16, Move-In Request, once the Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) has updated the MarkeTrak issue status to “Ready to Receive.”  03/03/15 Language Review and Vote: RMS unanimously Approved RMGRR129 as recommended by the MarkeTrak Taskforce (MTTF).  04/07/15 Impact Analysis Review: No project required. This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) can take effect upon the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) approval.  04/07/15 RMS Voting: RMS unanimously Approved RMGRR129 Impact Analysis, this revision request will be submitted to TAC for their voting consideration during their April 30 th meeting. April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS5

6 RMGRR130 Voting Recommendation: RMGRR130, Alignment of Section 7, Market Processes, with TDSP Terms & Conditions Tariff Effective 01/15/2015 (Vote) ◦ This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) synchronizes Section 7, Market Processes with Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT), Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend PUC SUBST. R. §25.214 Relating to Terms and Conditions of Retail Delivery Service Provided by Investor Owned Transmission and Distribution Utilities (TDUs) and Pro-Forma Retail Delivery Tariff effective 01/15/2015.  04/07/15 RMS Voting: RMS unanimously Approved “Tabling” RMGRR130. Reason for Tabling:  Market Participant is currently in the process of clarifying language in both the Word.doc and the Excel spreadsheet. These changes will be submitted to TX SET.  RMS Leadership requested that RMGRR130 be renamed to include the new appendix that it adds to the Retail Market Guide and these changes includes updates to Market Processes, as well as, Tariff alignments. April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS6

7 TX SET Working Group Voting Items: Texas Standard Electronic Transaction (SET) Working Group Procedures (Vote) and Texas Standard Electronic Transaction (SET) Implementation Guides Change Control Process (Vote)  Note: TX SET Implementation Guides Change Control Process supports NPRR668 (Tabled at TAC) 4/7/15 RMS Voting: Unanimously Approved TX SET Procedures and TX SET Implementation Guides Change Control Process. Both will be an update to TAC on 4/30. April 15, 2015 RMS Update to COPS7

8 Retail Market Training Taskforce (RMT TF) March 3, 2015 RMS: ◦ RMS unanimously Approved the Creation of our New Retail Market Training Taskforce (RMT TF). ◦ “ Save the Date”:  Kick-Off Meeting scheduled April 15, 2015 at 1:00 PM  ERCOT Met Center Conference Room 206B and via Web Conference   WebEx Conference  Teleconference: 877-668-4493  Meeting number: 650 587 061  Meeting password: Rmttf  Leadership:  Debbie McKeever – Oncor  Sheri Wiegand – TXU Energy  Tomas Fernandez - NRG April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS8

9 Smart Meter Texas Portal Change Requests: March 3, 2015 RMS Voting Update: ◦ AMWG Change Requests 2015-030 through 2015-039 (Vote)  Change Control 2015-030, 2015-031, 2015-032, 2015-033, 2015-034, 2015-036, 2015-037, 2015-038 and 2015-039  Approved by RMS with (1) NO vote from Consumer Segment  Change Control 2015-035  RMS Approved “Tabling” CR 2015-035 for additional discussions at the March 25, 2015 Advanced Metering Working Group meeting.  Question: Should this functionality be available to Customer’s through Smart Meter Texas or only available through their Competitive Retailer? April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS9

10 SMT Portal Change Requests Cost Estimates: March 3, 2015 RMS Voting: ◦ AMWG Change Request (CR) Cost Estimates for:  AMWG Change Request 2013-001, AMWG Change Request 2013-003, AMWG Change Request 2013-004, AMWG Change Request 2013-008, AMWG Change Request 2013-011, AMWG Change Request 2013-015  All were Unanimously Approved by RMS  Note: AMWG Change Request 2013-001, 2013-003, 2013-004, 2013-008, 2013-011, 2013-015. These RMS Approved Cost estimates will be reviewed and recommended by AMWG to RMS for project priority and implementation schedule.  AMWG Change Request 2014-018  Motion to “Table” Change Request 2014-018 was Approved pending AMWG’s additional discussion concerning research (number of customer’s impacted) and if cost benefit to implement is justified. April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS10

11 Smart Meter Texas Portal Change Requests: April 7, 2015 RMS Voting Update : ◦ AMWG Change Requests Cost Estimates for 2015-019, 2015-020, 2015-022-2015-028  Cost estimates were unanimously approved as submitted to RMS with the exception of CR 2015-024.  Motion to Approve CR 2015-024 with a cost estimate of $0.00 to implement since CR 2015-024 corrects the current functionality to be what was originally designed. RMS unanimously approved the motion.  Change Request (CR) 2015-035  Very passionate positions were expressed where two motions were recognized and both required roll call voting:  First Motion: To Reject CR 2015-035  Vote Failed – 46.2 Yes Votes /53.8 No Votes.  Second Motion: To Approve CR 2015-035 for Cost Estimate  Vote Passed – 53.8 Yes Votes /46.2 No Votes. CR 2015- 035 moves to SMT Team for cost estimation. April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS11

12 Smart Meter Texas Unplanned Outage! Date: Saturday March 21, 2015 06:00AM CST ◦ Smart Meter Texas portal began experiencing an unplanned outage today Saturday March 21, 2015 from 06:00AM CST  As a result of this outage, the following SMT services are unavailable:  Portal and associated services such as:  Registrations,  System login,  Home Area Network (HAN),  On Demand Reading (ODR) functionality,  API & Reporting requests  Originally CRs were able to access their Rep of Record 15 Minute Interval Data via FTPS, along with no impacts to Bulk and Enrollments. Once SMT systems failed over to alternate server created a database failure causing all functionality to become disabled including FTPS, Bulk and Enrollment functionality. Date: Sunday March 22, 2015 01:00PM CST ◦ Instead of trying to recover the legacy systems, a decision was made by the JDOA to go- live with the new Hardware Refresh platform that was a planned outage originally scheduled for March 27-29, 2015. This decision allowed CRs the ability to access their 15-minute Interval Data on their FTPS as early as 10:35 PM Sunday, March 22, 2015. April 15, 2015RMS Update to TAC12

13 Smart Meter Texas Unplanned Outage! Date: Monday, April 6, 2015: ◦ 7:54 AM Email: All Smart Meter Texas services are restored. ◦ 1:58 PM Email: During go live on Monday (4/6/15) morning, Smart Meter Texas experienced performance issues with the portal. These performance issues required another SMT outage. Through diagnosis it was determined that the database index for daily reads were corrupt.  A work around was developed to allow the portal to be restored on Tuesday morning. The portal will be operational with all functionality except for daily reads. Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2015: ◦ 3:52 PM Email: SMT services have been restored and all functionality is available on the portal. The SMT support team has been continuing actively testing to ensure the solution is stable, as well as, closely monitoring performance and help desk activity. Smart Meter Texas AMS Data File Catch-up Schedule: lanned_Outage.pptx lanned_Outage.pptx April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS13

14 ERCOT IT Retail Incidents Report! ERCOT’s Premature transitioning of MarkeTrak Issues (Issue auto-closed or state incorrectly re-assigned)  This occurred on February 4, February 11 and February 24, 2015  Investigation determined that a database parameter was getting changed by the MarkeTrak application. Root cause under investigation with Vendor System issue resulting in duplicate transactions  On Tuesday, February 17, 2015, from 10:00 – 14:00  ERCOT experienced a Retail Processing system issue that resulted in duplicate transactions being forwarded to Market Participants System issue resulting in impacts to market facing applications  Thursday, March 5, 2015 from 14:15 through 17:05  ERCOT experienced a system issue on March 5, 2015, from 14:15 through 14:50. As a result Market facing systems were unavailable or not performing as expected:  Find Transaction, Find ESIID, MarkeTrak and MPIM impacts.  In addition, there was a degradation in Retail transaction processing from 14:15 until 17:05, impacting 3,685 transactions.  At 17:05 transactions began processing normally and the backlog was cleared at 17:25. ERCOT’s Update to RMS on 4/7/15: te_April_RMS.pptx te_April_RMS.pptx April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS14

15 Announcement – Save the Dates! CenterPoint Energy’s CR Appreciation Day ◦ Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2015  Time/Location: Sugarland Skeeters Baseball Club,  Constellation Park at 1 Stadium Drive Sugarland, TX 77498  Game Time: 7:05 PM RMS/COPS Workshop V: IDR Meter Protocol Requirement Threshold ◦ Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2015  ERCOT Met Center Conference Room 206  1:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. (Following RMS)  WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS15

16 Announcement – Save the Dates! Inadvertent Gain (IAG) Training ◦ Tuesday, May 12, 2015:  9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at ERCOT MET Center, Room 206 ◦ Friday, May 15, 2015:  9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at CenterPoint Energy, Room 1360 ◦ Friday, June 12, 2015:  9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Oncor Dallas Office April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS16

17 Questions? 17April 15, 2015RMS Update to COPS

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