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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 ‘MURICAISBETTER THAN CANADIA.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 ‘MURICAISBETTER THAN CANADIA

2 America bought land from this country which allowed them to expand west

3 France

4 This French speaking province has discussed gaining independence from Canada

5 Quebec

6 Most people in the United States are from other countries, which makes them this

7 Immigrants

8 Most people in the United States live in these types of areas

9 Metropolitan areas (cities)

10 Most people in the United States live in these three regions (Name at least two)

11 Pacific Coast Great Lakes Northeast

12 This is the largest religion in Canada

13 Christianity

14 This is the largest city in Canada

15 Toronto

16 Why do most Canadians live along the US- Canada border?

17 Much of Northern Canada is uninhabitable

18 Which two countries fought for control of Canada?

19 Great Britain and France

20 Who serves as head of state in Canada? (Hero point if you can name the person.)

21 The British Monarch (Queen Elizabeth II)

22 Loyalists made up a large number of this country’s early colonists

23 Canada

24 Some Canadians dislike free trade between the US and Canada for this reason.

25 Canada feels bombarded by US culture/ Canada struggles to maintain a separate identity

26 The French settlers retained their language, religion, and laws under this British act

27 The Quebec Act of 1774

28 Large supplies of coal in this region of the US made it a leader of industry in the 1800s.

29 Midwest

30 With the arrival of more British immigrants to Canada in the 1800s, this group became the minority for the first time.

31 The French

32 This group of people are believed to be the first to reach Canada.

33 The Vikings

34 After the American Revolution, the United States established this type of government.

35 A Republic

36 European settlers to the US did this to the Native American communities

37 Pushed the Native Americans off their land and destroyed their cultures.

38 Many immigrants come to the United States for these two main reasons.

39 Political and religious freedom

40 These three ethnic groups made up a majority of the workforce of people building the railroad in the US.

41 Irish Mexican Chinese

42 Why did people move to the Prairie Provinces in the 1960s?

43 The discovery of oil and natural gas.

44 What is the second most commonly spoken language in the US?

45 Spanish

46 When Canada was a territory of Great Britain, it was known as this.

47 dominion

48 Some people from this country cannot afford health insurance.

49 United States

50 This city handles most trade between Asia and Canada

51 Vancouver

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