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 Constantinople—it was changed because when the Ottomans (a Muslim Empire) took over the land, they did not want their capital city to be named after.

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2  Constantinople—it was changed because when the Ottomans (a Muslim Empire) took over the land, they did not want their capital city to be named after a Christian (Constantine the Great).

3  Great Britain and France were given the mandates by the League of Nations and they divided up the land that used to be the Ottoman Empire

4  ARTIFICIAL BOUNDARIES! They divided the Middle East without regard for ethnic/religious diversity or for the people who actually lived there. Also, some groups felt left out of the new boundary lines and started rebellions.

5  To divide the former Ottoman territory into new, independent countries. The Europeans determined when this would occur.

6  This was a secret document/agreement between Great Britain, France, and Russia that divided up the former Ottoman territory between those countries. They had a plan to divide the land BEFORE the war was even over!

7  They gained important cities and control of trade routes  They trained a strong slave army—The Janissaries  They had land, power, and wealth  They developed gunpowder and advanced weapons  They had centralized power, family rule, and strong leaders

8  Economic problems/debt to Europe  Refusal to modernize  The Janissaries became too expensive to maintain  They were fearful of change and Western influences  They would not use the printing press, allow foreign languages to be studied, or allow foreign embassies  They joined the Germans on the losing side of WWI

9  It divided up the former Ottoman territory into new countries that were to be given their independence by the British/French later on.  The land was divided without regard for ethnic/religious diversity in that area.  Conflicts still arise because minority groups are exploited/ignored/persecuted by the majority.

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