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HU113: Technical Report Writing Prof. Dr. Abdelsamie Moet Fall 2012/13 Pharos University in Alexandria Faculty of Engineering Lecture 2: Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "HU113: Technical Report Writing Prof. Dr. Abdelsamie Moet Fall 2012/13 Pharos University in Alexandria Faculty of Engineering Lecture 2: Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 HU113: Technical Report Writing Prof. Dr. Abdelsamie Moet Fall 2012/13 Pharos University in Alexandria Faculty of Engineering Lecture 2: Communication Skills

2 Stan Kaplan’s Theorems of Communication From the plenary Address at the 1996 Meeting Society for Risk Analysis Theorem 1: 50% of the problems in the world result from people using the same words with different meanings. Theorem 2: The other 50% comes from people using different words with the same meaning.

3 HU113_Lect2_Communication3 Communication Listening Writing Presentation (Preparation) Presentation (Presenting)

4 HU113_Lect2_Communication4 Critical Success Factor The majority of your perceived ability comes from how you communicate 70% How you communicate it 30% What you know

5 HU113_Lect2_Communication5 Communication Goals To change behavior To get action To ensure understanding To persuade To get and give Information

6 HU113_Lect2_Communication6 Average Frequency

7 HU113_Lect2_Communication7 … But not taught enough Amount taught

8 HU113_Lect2_Communication8 Listening Listening skills form the basis of: –Continued learning –Teamwork skills –Management skills –Negotiation skills –Emotional intelligence

9 HU113_Lect2_Communication9 Communication SENDERRECEIVER Feedback receiver sender Communication is the process of sending and receiving information among people… Source: CGAP Direct

10 HU113_Lect2_Communication10 Messages not delivered due to “distortion” Sender Receiver Feedback Distortion

11 HU113_Lect2_Communication11 What causes distortion? –Language –Wordiness –Semantics –Emotions –Perceptions –Preconceived notions/expectations –Speed of thought –Personal interests –Emotions –Attention span –No active listening! Speaker Listener

12 HU113_Lect2_Communication12 Listening and speaking Requirements Listening takes... –concentration and energy –curiosity and open-mindedness –analysis and understanding Speaking requires... –sharp focus –logical thinking –clear phrasing –crisp delivery

13 HU113_Lect2_Communication13 Active listening 1. Set the stage –Choose an appropriate physical environment –Remove distractions –Be open and accessible –Maintain relaxed, open posture that shows concentration 2. Ensure mutual understanding –Reflect feelings –Offer acknowledgements (say “uh-huh”) –Paraphrase main ideas –Interrupt to clarify –Confirm next steps To be memorized 1 -4

14 HU113_Lect2_Communication14 Active listening 3. Understand body language –Observe position and posturing –Make eye contact –Consider expression and gestures 4. Suspend judgment –Concentrate –Keep an open mind –Hear the person out –Do not react to emotive words

15 HU113_Lect2_Communication15 Inhibitors of Active Listening Behaviors that inhibit effective listening 1.Act distracted (look at your watch!) 2.Tell your own story without acknowledging theirs 3.Give no response 4.Invalidate response, be negative 5.Interrupt 6.Criticize 7.Diagnose what was said 8.Give advice/solutions quickly 9.Change the subject 10.Reassure without acknowledgment

16 HU113_Lect2_Communication16 Techniques to improve listening skills PARAPHRASE Restate what was said in your own wordsPARAPHRASE SUMMARIZE Pull together the main points of a speakerSUMMARIZE QUESTION Challenge speaker to think further, clarifying both your and their understandingQUESTION

17 HU113_Lect2_Communication17 Practice Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is simply restating what another person has said in your own words. Use phrases such as: –In other words… –I gather that… –If I understand what you are saying… –What I hear you saying is… –Pardon my interruption, but let me see if I understand you correctly…

18 HU113_Lect2_Communication18 Practice Summarizing Summarizing pulls important ideas, facts or data together. Useful for emphasizing key points and setting the stage for further discussion. The person summarizing must listen carefully in order to organize the information systematically. Try out these summarizing phrases: –“If I understand you correctly, your main concerns are…” –“These seem to be the key ideas you have expressed… ”

19 HU113_Lect2_Communication19 Two basic types of questions 1.Closed questions: –G et a one-word response and inhibit thought. –Questions begin with who, when and which 2.Open-ended questions: –Invite unique thought, reflection or an explanation. –Questions begin with how, what and how come (not why!).

20 HU113_Lect2_Communication20

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