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The Research Process An Interpretation of the Kuhlthau Model Roberta L. Tipton Updated 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Research Process An Interpretation of the Kuhlthau Model Roberta L. Tipton Updated 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Research Process An Interpretation of the Kuhlthau Model Roberta L. Tipton Updated 2010

2 Objective Identify Steps in the Research Process

3 Writing Essays Your thoughts, feelings, and ideas Often a response to experience, reading, or work of art

4 How Is a Research Paper Different?

5 Research Paper Still use… Your thoughts, feelings, and ideas Response to experience (experiment), reading, or work of art

6 Research Paper Added features… Research facts and thoughts, feelings, and ideas of others Use research to support your arguments


8 Task Initiation What do you know? What don’t you know? Who is your audience/market? How much time do you have? Do you have a format to follow?

9 Topic Selection Construct A Statement or Research Question That Defines Your General Idea Find and Record Words and Terms to Describe Your Subject

10 Prefocus Exploration Who are the experts? What are the issues involved? What time periods are of interest? What is your attitude toward your subject?

11 Focus Formulation What are you really writing about? (What is your true subject?) What pieces are missing? What don’t you understand?

12 Information Collection Focused searching for very specific information Research and writing are working together

13 Search Closure /Presentation Writing and thinking take precedence Who is your audience/market? (reprise) Consider format and structure of your presentation (reprise)

14 The Research Process Task Initiation Topic Selection Prefocus Exploration Focus Formulation Information Collection Search Closure/Presentation

15 As you explore your own research process,you will become more comfortable with the interplay between knowledge and uncertainty.

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