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How to organise the final exam in VALERU? September, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "How to organise the final exam in VALERU? September, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to organise the final exam in VALERU? September, 2015

2 Objectives of Final Exam The final exam – the last out of four parts on the way to become a VNIL expert: Preparation of the prerequisites Attendance Reflective review Final exam Standardisation Issuing a final, international certificate – stating that all four parts of the training were passed. September, 2015

3 Live Demo You can experience a live demo with special settings No registration necessary You can take the exam how often you want The quiz is not timed The evaluation at the end is not graded and saved exam-demo/ Enjoy! September, 2015

4 Demo of Final Exam (live & screenshots) [01] Backend: Organising questions September, 2015

5 Demo of Final Exam (live & screenshots) [02] Frontend: Fill in the Gap with Graphic September, 2015

6 Demo of Final Exam (live & screenshots) [03] Frontend: Mix & Match September, 2015

7 Demo of Final Exam (live & screenshots) [04] Frontend: Open end (Essay) September, 2015

8 Demo of Final Exam (live & screenshots) [05] Fronted: Result and evaluation of the finished quiz September, 2015

9 Functionality of WatuPRO (I) 8 different question types: True/False, Singe Question, Multiple Question, Open End (Essay), Fill the Gaps, Sort the Values, Match Values, Slider. Many feedback mechanism: Elaborated feedback for every chosen answer item, providing hints, answer evaluation question evaluation (rating), surveys, reports per user, quiz, questions. Several quiz modes: Exam mode, practice mode, randomized questions, scheduled quiz, time limited quiz limited submission. September, 2015

10 Functionality of WatuPRO (II) Many management tools: Copy quizzes, questions and reports. Organisation via Dashboard and via WordPress Shortcodes. E-Mail related configuration and workflow setting. Educational controlling: Categories, Learning groups (classes), restricted access to questions, difficulty levels of questions, chained logic, and much more Part of an complete educational environment via WordPress Plugins: Learning Managementsystem (LMS!Namaste), Grade System with certification, Gamification with Points, Leaderboards and Badges (WatuPRO Play) September, 2015

11 Functionality of WatuPRO (III) Language: Full translatable (Frontend and Backend). Sustainability: Several thousand installations, open source, very responsive developer ( Pricing: Complete System with all plugins: $ 224,- per year with e-Mail service. After that 40% of price or unlimited use without service and updates. Bobby Handzhiev Kiboko Labs (Bulgaria) September, 2015

12 Advantages The participants could receive a badge online It is online, the exam could be taken everywhere. Participants don‘t necessarily have to come to Moscow for the final conference A bigger expert pool possible! September, 2015

13 Next steps (I) First decision: Do we want to use an online examination tool? Second decision: Who is taking over the development of the quiz? DUK could take over this task, but additional working- hours would have to be planned for this purpose The exam has to be filled with questions from all training providers (UoC, DUW, DUK)› September, 2015

14 Next steps (II) Third decision: What kind of grading-system has to be agreed on? Pretty tough Easy How many points / percentage of answers About the organisation of the quiz: In which time span will the quiz be online available? Could it be done without supervision? Will certificates or badges be issued? What about people who took the course but not the reflective review? September, 2015

15 Thank you for your attention! Спасибо за Ваше внимание

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