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Lecture 12: Final Review Tami Meredith. Programming Requires 1. Identification of the problem Understanding it, identifying correct solutions 2. Solving.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 12: Final Review Tami Meredith. Programming Requires 1. Identification of the problem Understanding it, identifying correct solutions 2. Solving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 12: Final Review Tami Meredith

2 Programming Requires 1. Identification of the problem Understanding it, identifying correct solutions 2. Solving the problem: A. Selecting the data structures, and Data Management is the key here B. Identifying an algorithm Control Flow is the basis of algorithms 3. Coding the solution 4. Testing, debugging, verifying the solution

3 Step Number 1 UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM It is impossible to solve the problem if you don't fully understand it! Know all the details. Know what the solution will look like. Read everything completely before you begin.

4 What is a Program? Programs = Data + Algorithms a. Data: the nouns, the things we manipulate b. Algorithms: the verbs, the actions we perform A program manipulates the input (data) to produce the required output (data)

5 Step Number 2 SOLVE THE PROBLEM Half the task is figuring out a way to find the solution you desire. Don't worry about format or Java – Just write down some steps that will find the solution! Paper is cheap – write down your ideas. There is more than one way to do most things when programming.

6 Step Number 3 LET JAVA DO THE WORK Think about all the methods you know! Can you use one to do part of the job or make the job easier? Will sorting the data help? Can you convert it to an easier to use format? E.g., StringBuffer has a built-in reverse method...

7 String Methods See Figure 2.5 in the text (page 86) length() returns the length of a string (as an integer) indexOf( string2 ) returns the index of string2 in string or -1 if string2 is contained in string equals( string2 ) returns TRUE if string equals string2 otherwise it returns FALSE Hint: I would know how to use the replace method...

8 Math Methods See Figure 6.3in the text (page 402) pow(x,y); returns x y abs(x); returns the absolute value of x random(); returns a pseudo-random number in the range 0 ≤ x < 1 sqrt(x); returns the square root of x Others exist as well as variants of some (e.g., random ) They use double, not float

9 Character Methods See Figure 6.4 in the text (page 407) toUpperCase() isUpperCase() Saves using ASCII to do it yourself Knowing ASCII will also be hugely helpful for dealing with Characters

10 Input Methods See Figure 2.7 in the text (page 98) User input is done using a Scanner on the input stream Paired methods: hasNextLine(), nextLine()

11 Exercise Write a method called caps that takes as its parameter a single string and prints out, to the screen, all the capital letters in the string. e.g., caps ( "A Cool Course!") prints ACC

12 Solution public static void caps (String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); // if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) if (('A' <= c) || (c <= 'Z')) System.out.print(c); } System.out.println(""); } // end caps()

13 Programs in Java Programs are structured hierarchically: 1. Programs have 1 or more classes Files are named after the classes they contain 2. Classes contain 1 or more methods The class that is used to start execution must contain a method named main 3. Methods perform 1 or more actions 4. Actions are performed by statements

14 Control is Power! Control flow is actually very simple: 1. Everything is sequential, unless... 2. Something is optional Conditional Statements, i.e,. if 3. Something is repeated Looping Statements, i.e., do, for, while 4. Something complex is broken into simpler parts Methods (and classes, objects)

15 Methods Methods permit us to reuse a block of code Methods permit us to simplify code by replacing a complicated part with a meaningful name Methods permit us to break difficult things into smaller (named) parts Methods permit us to hide the details of something

16 Key Concept Don't do hard stuff if you can't figure out how! Just pretend that a method exists that would do the hard part and use it. Later on, try to create (at least some parts) of the method you used. Decompose hard problems into smaller parts.

17 About Statements... Statements are like sentences in a programming language Statements usually end with a " ; " (semi-colon) Statements are performed sequentially, one after the other (generally left to right, top to bottom) Statements DO things For example: x = x + 1; y = 2 * x; System.out.println("Y is " + y);

18 Statements Expressions and assignments e.g., x = 3 * y; Conditional statements to make choices e.g., if (x == 0) System.exit(0); Loops to repeat things e.g., while (i > 0) System.out.println(i--); Blocks to group statements into a single statement e.g., { statement1; statement2; statement3;... }

19 Blocks Statements can be grouped into a block A block is treated like a single statement and can be used where a single statement is expected Blocks are formed by surrounding a group of statements with curly braces, " { " and " } " For example: { y = x * 2; System.out.print("Two times " + x + " is " + y); }

20 Exercise Write a method called rectangle that takes two integers, a height and a width, as parameters and prints to the screen a rectangle of the specified height and width, e.g., rectangle(4,6) prints: ******

21 Solution public static void rectangle (int h, int w) { int rows, cols; for (rows = 0; rows < h; rows++) { for (cols = 0; cols < w; cols++) { System.out.print("*"); } System.out.println(""); } } // end rectangle()

22 How to write a program 1. Pick a name 2. Identify the code: // Q2 solution, by Tami Meredith 3. Define a class: public class name {... } 4. Write a main method: public static void main (String[] args) {... } 5. Identify the variables – what do you have to work with? What do you need to produce? 6. Determine an algorithm – how do I turn my input into my output? IMPORTANT: Do not think "using Java" at this point... just figure out ANY way to solve the problem. 7. Translate your algorithm into Java. Does Java provide the tools you need?

23 Cheat Sheet Suggestions Program template Basic output to the screen: print, println, printf Basic input from the keyboard Listing 1.1 covers the first 3 points String methods (Figure 2.5+) Scanner methods (Figure 2.7+) Math methods (Figure 6.3) Character methods (Figure 6.4) and ASCII examples Miscellaneous methods (Sorting, Exiting Programs, etc.) Comparisons (Figure 3.4), logical operators (Figure 3.7) such as || and && -- know what short circuit evaluation is Examples of how to define and call methods Examples of how to use the % operator Examples of how to create and use arrays Examples of how to examine strings one character at a time

24 The Usuals Nothing = Zero – don't leave questions blank, ANYTHING is better than nothing! There are no penalties for incorrect answers SHOTGUN approach – write anything and everything you think is possibly relevant if you don't know the actual answer Pseudo code, point-form, flow charts... If you don't know the Java, answer it some other way For T/F, Multiple-Choice, Matching, etc. GUESS if you have to – no negative scoring! Copy examples (from your cheat sheet) that you think might work, don't worry about perfection, just about getting a small part right Leave lots of space, add stuff later when you think of it Write code in pencil, bring an eraser Answer questions in any order – do easiest stuff first

25 Fibonacci Numbers  We have done the Fibonacci sequence in the lab, and in an exercise where we used an array to make things easier.  This sequence should not be too scary (math-wise) by now.  There are lots of other sequences that use the same rules but different starting points.  Math is fun! We can't have a final exam without any!

26 To Do Go to the lab and ensure you have marks for Assignments 1 to 10 Prepare your "Cheat Sheet" for the exam TWO pieces of paper, 8.5 x 11 inches, hand-written, double sided Re-read Chapters 1-7 Practice programming: Assignments, Exercises etc.

27 Use the force, my padawans!

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