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Norwegian School of Entrepreneurship Master of Science Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship ENT 4000 Group work session 4 – 23/09-08.

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Presentation on theme: "Norwegian School of Entrepreneurship Master of Science Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship ENT 4000 Group work session 4 – 23/09-08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norwegian School of Entrepreneurship Master of Science Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship ENT 4000 Group work session 4 – 23/09-08

2 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 4 Homework IPR and the management team Presentation 07.10.08

3 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 4 The Business Plan –Executive summary –Business idea –Management team –Marketing plan –Businessmodel og organization –Operational plan –Financial plan –Risk analysis

4 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 4 Business idea and management team In the specification of the business idea you should describe: The business idea itself How will you protect the idea? The competence you have within the management team

5 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 4 IPR and competence You need to decribe: How will you protect the idea? –In example, do you have a patent, copyrights, trade secrets etc.? How important is it to protect the idea with a patent in your field? How easy is it to defend it against potential competitors? And also... A bit your technological solution Development phase for your product/service and The competence of the management team Areas of resposibilities –You and prospective other people if the idea is gathered externally

6 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 4 Protection Patents –Protects the technology Trade marks –Protects the brand Copyright –Protects the content Other ways of protecting your business –Unique access to resources –Trade secrets –Others…

7 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 4 IPR strategy and management team For next gathering prepare a PPT presentation of the management team and the IPR strategy for your business - Send the presentation to: - Before 07/10-08 (Monday before midnight) - Presentation should be maximum 10-15 minutes

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