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Mittuniversitetet Building trust and confidence through sustainable information systems research Karen Anderson Professor, Archives and Information Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Mittuniversitetet Building trust and confidence through sustainable information systems research Karen Anderson Professor, Archives and Information Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mittuniversitetet Building trust and confidence through sustainable information systems research Karen Anderson Professor, Archives and Information Science

2 Mittuniversitetet A journey: 2010 - 2015 2010: three independent, discipline-based groups were challenged to combine: Archives and Information Science in Härnösand Informatics in Östersund Business Management and Organization in Sundsvall Mid Sweden University 10 years as a university in 2015 Working to build a stronger research identity Institute for Information Technology and Media which no longer exists

3 Mittuniversitetet The InfoSYS Research Group Researching about sustainable information and information systems: Conduct innovative multi-disciplinary research which creates new perspectives and values. Use our double affiliation as both technologists and social scientists to nuance and challenge taken-for-granted ways of understanding information and information technologies, their development and use. View technologies not only as separate artifacts but as contexts of information, people, technology, design, manufacturing and use, organizations and use practices.

4 Mittuniversitetet ARC13: Assessment of Research & Coproduction Our self-assessment for 2007-2012 consisted of three parts: A SWOT analysis for the developing research group; Quantitative data describing our activities – we pooled our data Low representation of our research activities in Web of Science Less than 30% visibility in the database Two ‘Impact Case’ descriptions identified as particularly important or significant by the group Archives and Information Science provided one case demonstrating strong international engagement through InterPARES Trust project The process took a whole year to complete.

5 Mittuniversitetet Results? QualityVery Good ProductivityVery Good Infrastructure Good CollaborationVery Good CoproductionVery Good Impact Very Good StrategyGood Insufficient Good Very Good Excellent

6 Mittuniversitetet Commendations Constructive advice  Constructive SWOT process  2 facilitated workshops  A clear sense of position  Confidence in our ability to improve performance and standing Shared vision needs development Implement a leadership structure Develop a model for interaction and collaboration In progress Consolidation of our vision and achievement is the strategic priority

7 Mittuniversitetet

8 Five identified ‘challenges’ in focus for InfoSYS We believe that digital information management is both the feedstock and the necessary infrastructure to underpin digital societies Sustainability Value creation Quality Accessibility Trustworthiness


10 Conceptual framework for social sustainability (Cuthill 2010, p. 366)

11 Mittuniversitetet The challenges facing education in archival science Archival theory supports the need to preserve the record for both current need and future use, underpinning business needs and an open and democratic society, which makes the social sustainability construct relevant (e.g. McKenzie, 2004, Cuthill, 2010). The design of information systems in which records are created and managed are a particular challenge for sustainability: few information systems are designed to support both the long-term preservation and accessibility of records, or to support the flow of records between systems.

12 Mittuniversitetet Sustainability is guiding InfoSYS strategies that will make a significant contribution to: The future sustainability of our research group, Educating for sustainable information provision Providing a new model for education for the information professions Supporting a sustainable digital society

13 Mittuniversitetet Recordkeeping informatics Exploration of the technical and social environments facing organizations and their risk-related responses; Undertaking business analysis to understand the information architectures that intersect in sustainable ways with the enterprise architectures; Flexible and responsive frameworks to facilitate access to and rendering of authentic records and information in a secure and trustworthy manner; Understanding the information culture within organizations; Embracing a service oriented approach (Oliver et al 2010).

14 Mittuniversitetet

15 Bachelor level Master level Archives and Information Science Informatics Business Management & Organization Archives and Information Science Informatics Business Management & Organization PhD level InfoSys is part of Collegium for Computer & Systems Sciences Educational structure for InfoSYS

16 Mittuniversitetet Master degree in Sustainable Information Provision Students will graduate with one of 3 specializations 9 courses common to all 3 specializations Special focus on management and design of information systems and services Provide a deeper understanding of the digital environment, information management and managing projects across distributed work environments. A group project which will include a representative from each specialization

17 Mittuniversitetet Program content and contributions Sustainable Information Sustainable Architecture Design & Use of Information Systems Archival theory Information and Records Management Current Issues in Archival Research Business Analysis Change Management Knowledge Management in Distributed Environments Organisational Culture and Change Research methods Project Thesis 30 credits

18 Mittuniversitetet The Master by Research programme @ MIUN 2-year research education program Archives, Informatics, Business management & oranization 1 year taught content: 30 credit research education + 30 credit discipline related courses Individual projects lead to a 30 credit Master thesis. Students become a member of our research group, carry out research together with PhD-students and are supervised by senior researchers in CEDIF. Draw on current research projects:, InterPARES Trust, Swedish Transport Authority, National Archives e-ARD Project Only a few students are admitted each year – preparation for PhD.

19 Mittuniversitetet What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Trust and confidence We believe in our strengths and the benefits that each discipline brings to the InfoSys partnership: A firm decision not to homogenize and submerge our identities in the new group Confidence to swim against the flow: Archives/Libraries/Museums partnerships focus on synergies and benefits for cultural institutions, not for strengthening research in the information disciplines InfoSys focuses on interdisciplinary research to ensure information can be sustainably created, captured, managed, preserved and retrieved for both the short and the long term

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