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1 Desuggestopedia

2 Desuggestopedia A teaching method based on the idea how the human brain works and how we learn most effectively. It includes a rich sensory learning, a positive expectation of success and the use of a varied range of techniques like dramatised texts, music, active participation in songs and games, etc.

3 Georgi Lozanov Suggestopedia was originally developed in the 1970s by the Bulgarian psychotherapist and educator Georgi Lozanov.

4 Concept He introduced the conception that students naturally set up psychological barriers to learning - based on fears that they will be unable to perform and are limited in terms of their ability to learn.  As a result, Lozanov began to develop a language learning method that focused on "de-suggestion" of the limitations learners think they have, and providing the sort of relaxed state of mind that would facilitate the material to its maximum potential.

5 Sample of desuggestopedia class
Class setting: Level of students: beginning - level. Class duration: 2 hours – 3 times a week. Setting: Egypt. Mother tongue: Arabic.

6 Observations and principles 1
The classroom is bright and colourful. Learning is facilitated in a cheerful environment.

7 Observations and principles 2
Among the posters hanging around the room are several containing grammatical information. Students can learn from what is present in the environment, even if their attention is not directed to it (peripheral learning). - جانبي

8 Observations and principles 3
The teacher gives the students the impression that learning the target language will be easy and enjoyable. The teacher should recognise that learners bring certain psychological barriers with them to the learning situation.

9 Observations and principles 4
The students choose new names and identities. Assuming new identities enhances students' feeling of security and allows them to be more open. They feel less inhibited since their performance is really that of a different person.

10 Observations and principles 5
The teacher briefly mentions a few points about English grammar and vocabulary. These are in bold print in the dialog. The teacher should present and explain the grammar and vocabulary, but not dwell on them. The bold print allows the students' focus to shift from the whole text to the details before they return to the whole text again.

11 Observations and principles 6
In the left column is the dialog in the target language. In the right column is the native language translation. One way that meaning is made clear is through native language translation.

12 Observations and principles 7
The teacher reads the dialog with a musical accompaniment. She matches her voice to the rhythm and intonation of the music. Learning can take place through the linguistic message (taught materials) and through music which suggests that learning is easy and pleasant.

13 Observations and principles 8
The teacher reads the script a second time as the students listen.. This is done to different music. It ensures better understanding of the lesson, and helps to overcome psychological barriers.

14 Observations and principles 9
For homework, the students are to read the dialog at night and in the morning. Because this would allow some time for students to relax.

15 Observations and principles 10
The student makes and error by saying ”how you do?” The teacher corrects the error in a soft voice. Errors are corrected gently, not in a direct manner.

16 Review and Questions

17 1.What are the goals of teachers who use the Desuggestopedia?
To accelerate the process of learning a foreign language for everyday communication. To desuggest learners’ psychological barriers. 2. What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the students? The teacher’s role: Authority - being confident and trustable Security - affording a cheerful classroom atmosphere. The students’ role: Relaxed - following the teacher’s instruction easily. Role play - enjoying in the new identity freely.

18 3. What are some characteristics of the teaching/ learning process?
Classroom atmosphere – decoration & posters. A new name and occupation - to dispel fear or anxiety. Handout - for advanced students. No test, no assignment. Using games, songs and role play. 4. What is the nature of student-teacher interaction? What is the nature of student-student interaction? The teacher initiates interactions. The students respond through: 1. nonverbal actions. (body language). 2. a few target language words. Student - student interaction through role play.

19 5. How are the feelings of the students dealt with?
. Relaxed, confident and secure. 6. How is language viewed? How is culture viewed? The target language is mainly used with the mother tongue. The use of the fine arts is important in Desuggestopedia classes.

20 8. What is the role of the students’ native language?
7. What areas of language are emphasized? What language skills are emphasized? Vocabulary is emphasised. Grammar is dealt with explicitly but minimally. (deductive). Speaking is emphasised. 8. What is the role of the students’ native language? Native language is used to make the meaning of the dialog clear. As the course proceeds, the teacher uses the native language less and less. .

21 9. How is evaluation accomplished?
Evaluation usually is conducted on students’ normal in-class performance and not through tests. 10. How does the teacher respond to student errors? Errors are corrected gently, with the teacher using a soft voice.

22 Techniques Classroom set-up
Emphasis is placed on creating a physical environment that does not "feel“ like a normal classroom, and makes the students feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible. armchairs. Light is comfortable. Everything is bright and colorful. Posters. Music. Peripheral Learning Students can absorb information "effortlessly" when it is perceived as part of the environment, rather than the material “ to be attended to”.

23 Positive suggestion Helping students to break down the barriers to learning. Choose a New Identity Students select a target language name and occupation that places them "inside" the language they are learning. Role-play Students pretend temporarily that they are someone else and perform a role using the target language.     

24 First Concert Teacher reads the dialog in a slow dramatic way with intonation with classical music. Second Concert Students put aside their scripts and the teacher reads at normal speed with musical accompaniment. This typically ends the class for the day. Primary Activation Students "playfully" reread the target language out loud, as individuals or in groups. Creative adaptation Students engage in various activities designed to help the students learn the material and use it more spontaneously - activities include singing, dancing, dramatisations and games.


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