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Shaded Shapes Value.

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1 Shaded Shapes Value

2 Value- the lightness or darkness of an image. Value is also called Tone
Shading- Creating depth in an image by varying levels of darkness according to a light source. Light source is opposite of shadow Gradation- gradual change of color or value to create perspective Chiaroscuro strong contrast between light and dark Value

3 Caravaggio Italian painter 1571-1610 Conversion of St Paul
Chiaroscuro or strong contrast in value Caravaggio

4 Value light source vs. shadow

5 Value Value Create a paper like this: -use the side of the lead -Avoid lines, smooth as possible 5 step value scale 5 step value scale Gradation (from dark to light) Gradation (from dark to light) Gradation (from light to dark) Gradation (from light to dark)

6 Back side of paper: -shade the shapes after a decided light source -label the shadow parts on the sphere

7 Value Scale sideways pencil
Create a smooth value scale-Gradation Create a 5 step value scale Value Scale sideways pencil

8 Five Elements of Shading
#1 Cast Shadow: Black #2 Shadow Edge: Dark Gray #3: Halftone: Mid Gray #4: Reflected Light: Light Gray #5: Full Light: White Five Elements of Shading

9 Shaded sphere (black to white)
Shadows Edge= Dark Gray Full Light= White Shaded sphere (black to white) Half Tone= MidGray Reflected Light= Light Gray Cast Shadow=Black

10 Shaded Shapes Project Group (4) paper sculpture
8 objects taped to colored paper Still graded on light sketching and proportion Focus on drawing shadows and contrast Shaded Shapes Project

11 The 3rd of May (Execution of the Defenders of Madrid)
Francisco Goya

12 Death of a Virgin Chiaroscuro or strong contrast Caravaggio

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