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H O L I N E S S Part II. Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s review As I look across our land, our.

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Presentation on theme: "H O L I N E S S Part II. Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s review As I look across our land, our."— Presentation transcript:

1 H O L I N E S S Part II

2 Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s review As I look across our land, our country and in our homes, what I see is an absence of the fear of God. The spiritual temperature of our nation is cold and even among evangelicals there is a compromise towards sin. The term ‘sin’ has, become less and less mentioned from our pulpits.

3 Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s review Apart from the holiness of God, sin is merely a self-defeating behavior. It is a dysfunction in a person. Within the church, apart from the holiness of God, our worship becomes mere entertainment. There is a moral crisis in this nation and most of the nations of the world.

4 Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s review I believe one, if not the greatest cause of that moral crisis, is that we have lost a fear of God.

5 Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s II Christians in the early church were called saints. The word ‘saint’ means ‘holy one’. – Saints were people who were not always pure…but people set apart to pursue purity. – Romans 1:7 – I Corinthians 1:2 – Philippians 1:1 – Exodus 19:1 – Exodus 19:5 – Exodus 19:6 – Exodus 20:18-21

6 Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s II Holy = set apart, called to a life that is different, a life of non-conformity. II Corinthians 6:17 Romans 12:1, 2 – …a living sacrifice…ourselves. – What is a living sacrifice? – What does a living sacrifice look like?

7 Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s II – “Do not be conformed to this world” Romans 12:2 – How is this non-conformity possible? “…be transformed by the renewing of your mind” Romans 12:2 Holy = set apart, called to a life that is different, a life of non-conformity. II Corinthians 6:17 Romans 12:1,2

8 Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s II The key to a transformed life is by the renewal of the mind. – How? – Read the Word! II Timothy 2:15, 16 Titus 2:1-8 Titus 3:2-7 Ephesians 4:22-24

9 Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s II I Peter 1:15 “all that you do” – Holy in our relationships – Holy in our work ethics – Holy in our leisure life – Holy in our finances – Holy in our conversations – Holy in our business dealings “all that you do” – Holy in our hobbies – Holy in our viewing habits – In ALL we do!

10 Box Size Height: 2.6 Width: 4.43 Position Horizontal: 5.33 Vertical: 4.67 H o l i n e s s II Jesus left us a Helper…Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is working to produce holiness in us. Note: – Fruit of sinful nature: Galatians 5:19-21 – Fruit of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-26 I Peter 2:9&10

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