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The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution lists the substantive goals for the purpose of our government. How does our government achieve the goals of the Preamble?

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Presentation on theme: "The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution lists the substantive goals for the purpose of our government. How does our government achieve the goals of the Preamble?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution lists the substantive goals for the purpose of our government. How does our government achieve the goals of the Preamble? (155-156) Start reading at Third Paragraph on Page 155

2 What is opinion saliency? (157) What is opinion stability? (157) What is opinion- policy congruence? (157)

3 FIGURE 7.1 (TOP page 159) Social Security: what is the greatest age group who opposes the plan? Social Security: What is the largest group that supports this plan? Gay Marriage: What age group supports gay marriage the most? Gay Marriage: What age group is against gay marriage the most?

4 What is political ideology? (167) What is a Pure Liberal? (170) What is a Pure Conservative? (170) What is a Libertarian? (170) What is a Populist? (170)

5 Who are political elites? (171)

6 Using Table 8.1 on Page 179: What was the Voter Turnout in the United States for Column A and what is the Voter Turnout in the United States for Column B? Why do you think there is a difference in these numbers according to the information given in the Table? Do your best to answer this question!

7 DEFINE: –Literacy Test (181) –Poll Tax (181) –Grandfather Clause (181) –White Primary (181)

8 What is the difference between a Primary Election and a General Election?

9 What is the Australian Ballot? (185)

10 What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 do? (182) What was the Voting Right of 1970? (183) What is the 19 th Amendment? (182) What is the 26 th Amendment? (183) What is the 23 rd Amendment? (183)

11 What are the 4 categories of limited forms of participation and EXPLAIN them. (Read the first full paragraph on page 188).

12 Why do we register and vote less frequently in the United States than do citizens of other countries? (Read the 3 rd FULL paragraph on page 190)

13 According to our text, what is the most common for of political participation and what are the least common forms of political participation? (Read Forms of Participation on page 187)

14 What are political parties? (198) What are the three political arenas within which parties may be formed? (199) Why have American parties become weaker in all three arenas? (199)

15 What is the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law passed in 2002? (109)

16 What is critical or realignment period: (205) What are the two kinds of realignments? (205)

17 What is an initiative? (59) What is a referendum? (59) What is recall? (59)

18 What is dual federalism? (57) What are grants in aid? (60) What are categorical grants? (63) What is condition of aid? (66) What are mandates? (66)

19 What is selective incorporation? ((102) Which amendments does the book say have not been applied to the states? (102)

20 Types of Minor Parties: What are ideological parties? (221) What is a One-Issue Party: (221) What are Economic- Protest Parties: (221) What are Factional Parties? (221)

21 What is the Two- Party System? (217) What is the Plurality System? (217) What is a caucus? (225)

22 What is a Pure Liberal? (170) What are the Traits of a Pure Liberal? (170) What is a Pure Conservative? (170) What are the traits of a Pure Conservative? (170)

23 What is Political Efficacy? (89) What is internal efficacy? (90) What is external efficacy? (90)

24 What is a deficit? (492) What is national debt? (492) What is gross domestic product (GDP)? (492)

25 The Powers Of The President: List the Powers the President Has Alone. (379) List the Powers the President shares with Congress. (379) List the Powers of the President that are shared with Congress as a whole. (379)

26 The White House Office: What is a pyramid structure? (381) What is a circular structure? (381) What is an ad hoc structure? (381)

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