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Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation BY: WILLIAM ROESCHER.

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Presentation on theme: "Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation BY: WILLIAM ROESCHER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation BY: WILLIAM ROESCHER

2 Contents  Who was Lincoln?  Views on slavery  Buildup to Emancipation  Emancipation issued  Effects of the Emancipation  How does the Emancipation relate to modern times  Conclusion

3 Who was Lincoln?  Born February 12, 1809  16 th President of the United States  In Office March 4, 1861- April 15, 1865  Self-taught Lawyer  Originally part of the Whig party, but then became a Republican

4 Lincoln’s Views on slavery  Lincoln despised slavery  Originally only wanted to keep slavery from expanding  Never considered himself an abolitionist  Believed slaves should have equal opportunity, but not political rights

5 Buildup to Emancipation  Peoria Speech of 1854 -Legendary speech where Lincoln argued against the Kansas- Nebraska act for 3 hours straight  Dred Scott Case of 1857 -Lincoln said this case was a conspiracy by democrats to support “Slaveocracy”  Lincoln-Douglass Debates of 1858 -Debates over the morality and politics of slavery between Lincoln and his rival Steven Douglass

6 Emancipation Issued  Issued January 1, 1863  Didn’t initially free any slaves  Declared slaves free, but only in states not controlled by the union  Was also issued as a tactic to help the union win the civil war  When Lincoln signed it he said “I never felt more certain, that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper”

7 Effects of the Emancipation  Allowed the Union to gain an upper hand in the war by enlisting former slaves in the military  Followed by the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln says the new objective of the war was “a new birth of freedom in the nation”  Over the course of the war, as the union took over the south, freed 3 million out of the 4 million estimated slaves in the U.S  Eventually Led to the 13 th amendment, which totally abolished slavery in the U.S

8 Relation to modern times  Relates to recent race issues, for example Trevon Martin and the Riots in Fergusson - Although the emancipation led to the freedom of slaves, it didn’t deal with the issue of racism in the U.S. That issue still exists even today shown with the racial controversy of the Trevon Martin and Ferguson events.  Also relates to current issues with gay rights and marriage - Although Gay marriage was legalized in all 50 states, not all states are complying with this. The same thing happened with the Emancipation. Although it declared slaves free in all states not controlled by the union, the law wasn’t enforced in these states until the Union took over and forced them to do so.

9 Conclusion  Although the emancipation led to the abolishment of slavery in the U.S, it never dealt with the issue of racism, which is still an ongoing controversy today.  However, the Emancipation Proclamation is arguably one of the most important documents written in American history. It changed the future of America, for had it not been written, slavery might have never gone away.

10 Works Cited  Burlingame, Michael. Abraham Lincoln: A Life. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2008. Print.  Krug, Mark E. "Lincoln, the Republican Party, and the Emancipation Proclamation." The History Teacher Vol. 7.No. 1 (1973): 48-61. JSTOR. The History Teacher. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.  Poster-board Photo Sources ion_proclamation/transcript.html alCollege1860.svg/2000px-ElectoralCollege1860.svg.png

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