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AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School Unit 1 - Foundations of Government Targets 1.1 WHY STUDY GOVERNMENT – 1.2 THEORIES OF GOVERNMENT.

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1 AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School Unit 1 - Foundations of Government Targets 1.1 WHY STUDY GOVERNMENT – 1.2 THEORIES OF GOVERNMENT


3 TEAMS Why should we study government? Do we need government? Why or Why not? What would happen if government ceased to exist? Today, is government doing a good job or not? Write down one area the government is doing a good job and one where they are not. (Be Specific) Do you think our government has become too powerful today? If so, in what way? (be specific) What limits should be placed on Government? Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School

4 AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.1 Why Study Government? Government affects many aspects of our lives Government decisions ( public policy & Nation Security policy ) touches almost every aspect of our lives… The role of government changed dramatically in the 20 th century

5 1.1 Why Study Government? Enduring Political Questions : Who has the power? Who Actually Exercises Political Power? What ultimate ends do (should) governments serve? What “greater good” is government set up for? (Aristotle: governments should exist for some higher good.) What kinds of public policies should government adopt to achieve this greater good? AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School IN DEPTH RESOURCE Take a look at the story below on ISIS. Though not a government in a traditional sense, ISIS has vast ambitions. They are working towards what they consider to be a “higher good” 16 things you need to know about ISIS (Vox) (Focus on slides 1 &2) know/what-is-isis know/what-is-isis How did ISIS get started? What does ISIS ultimately want? IN DEPTH RESOURCE James Q Wilson argues marriage and the family as the basis of society in the PBS program Lets Get Married on.html What are the dangers of the dissolution of the family unit according to Wilson? How have governments responded to the problem?

6 Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School 1.2 Enduring Theories of Government Aristotle… Systematic Study of Government Autocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy Plato… Philosopher-Kings The Republic

7 AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.2 Enduring Theories of Government Machiavelli… The Prince… “The ends justify the means” John Locke… Natural Rights… “Life, Liberty, and property”

8 AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.2 Enduring Theories of Government James Madison - Human nature & the need for government “But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If all men were angels, no government would be necessary”. »James Madison, Federalist #51 Thomas Jefferson - Size and scope of government “The government that governs least governs best” »Thomas Jefferson

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