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Great Person Theory. John Locke (1632-1704) Born 1632- Died 1704 English philosopher, political theorist, and founder of empiricism (knowledge comes from.

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1 Great Person Theory

2 John Locke (1632-1704) Born 1632- Died 1704 English philosopher, political theorist, and founder of empiricism (knowledge comes from experience) Studied medicine at Oxford university, and later served as a physician to the Earl of Shaftsbury for years in France. (Studied works of great philosophers including Descartes) Went to England and tried to prevent the succession of James II, but failed, being forced to flee home. Lived in Holland from 1683 up until James II was overthrown in 1689.

3 John Locke (cont’d) Wrote several influential works, the most notable being “The Two Treaties of Government,” which states humans as rational beings with rights to freedom, life, and property. This contradicted Thomas Hobbes belief that humans are primitive and need to be under complete control by the government. Also promoted the idea of separating church from state and equality amongst people of all classes and religions. Later on, my works would serve to inspire Revolutions in other nations in Europe and later the rest of the world.

4 Sources "John Locke." Cal Poly CLA - College of Liberal Arts. Web. 05 Jan. 2011.. "John Locke." Oregon State University. Web. 05 Jan. 2011. < philosophers/locke.html>.

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