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Φ-photo-production from deuteron M. Miyabe. Outlook Physics overview Study for FSI Improvement of Eγ Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Φ-photo-production from deuteron M. Miyabe. Outlook Physics overview Study for FSI Improvement of Eγ Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Φ-photo-production from deuteron M. Miyabe

2 Outlook Physics overview Study for FSI Improvement of Eγ Summary

3 3 Φ photo production of proton near the threshold High energy – Pomeron exchange – Increase with energy. Low energy – Pseudo scalar meson exchange – Decrease with energy. Discriminate natural-parity mode from meson exchange using Decay angular distribution. P, glueball, , f 2 ’   p Pure natural parity exchange Pure unnatural parity exchange 0   0  Decay angular distribution φ-Φ φ : photon pol. Angle Φ : K decay angle.

4 4 Results of proton target Peak structure around 2GeV. Natural parity exchange is dominant → 0 + glueball ? T. Mibe, et al. nucl-ex/0506015

5 2005/09/21HAW055 Φ photo production of deuteron 1.Coherent production – Interact with deuteron itself. 2.Incoherent production – Interact with proton or neutron in deuteron.

6 2005/09/21HAW056 Incoherent production Due to isospin effect, – g πnn and g ηnn has opposite sign. →unnatural parity exchange process is suppressed in neutron case.  Information of unnatural (π/η) exchange process

7 Φ photo-production from neutron Exclude coherent contribution Final state interaction estimation Fermi motion effect

8 Final State Interaction (FSI) Enhancement in low PN relative momentum region. Try to make up the difference MC from Real data with FSI γ n p n p φ FSI

9 Theoretical calculation Enhancement factor – Triplet κ: deuteron binding parameter r 1 : NP effective radius – Singlet a 0 : NP scattering length r 0 : NP effective radius Ref: A.I. Titov arXiv:nucl-th/0001027v1 Singlet term has stronger dependent then triplet one

10 pn relative momentum Real dataMC(incoherent) γ n p n p φ P pn → k^2 PφPφ

11 Exposion FSI effect K^2 distribution |qfmin|<0.1After coherent exclusion Coherent Real MC(incohernt) FSI? Real-MC(co)

12 Comparison with theoretical function Ft(k) – r 1 ← parameter fit Fit result – r 1 = 1.755 +/- 0.07 fm Past experiment results – r 1 = 1.759 fm Real/MC

13 Singlet contribution F(k)= ε*Fs(k) + (1-ε)*Ft(k)  Prefer triplet function to singlet one?

14 FSI effect MMd W/O FSIMMd with FSI With FSI effect, ratio of coherent and incoherent was modified.

15 result χ^2Ratio of number of φ

16 Proton caseDeuteron case γ n p n p φ γ p p φ Fermi motion correction Eγ is directly related with s Eγ is not directory related with s Because of fermi motion

17 Minimum momentum for spectator nucleon Re-calculate Eγ variable in neutron rest frame γ n p n p φ n p CM n p Eγ in neutron rest frame

18 Scattered particle momentum Residual of scattered nucleus in MC qfmin<0.1 MC(incoherent)

19 Improvement of Eγ resolution MC simulation for incoherent Resolution of Eγ in the n rest frame value improve from 114MeV to 59MeV ΔEγ

20 Result Slope & dσ/dt in original EγSlope & dσ/dt in the n rest Eγ Preliminary

21 Summary Φ photo-production from neutron was unique tool for study unnatural parity exchange process. FSI contribution was found. Improvement resolution of γ energy in the n rest frame

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