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Matters of the mind. Before the lesson Do you have any friend, family or someone you know has a mental disease? Can you share with us?

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Presentation on theme: "Matters of the mind. Before the lesson Do you have any friend, family or someone you know has a mental disease? Can you share with us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matters of the mind

2 Before the lesson Do you have any friend, family or someone you know has a mental disease? Can you share with us?

3 Vocabulary whiz /hw ɪ z/ (n.); someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field customize /'k ʌ stə'ma ɪ z/ (v.); to make or change something to suit the needs of the owner psychometrics /'sa ɪ kə'm ɛ tr ɪ ks/ (n.); used for measuring mental abilities and processes P.51

4 Vocabulary baffle /'bæfḷ/ (v.); to confuse somebody completely; to be too difficult or strange for somebody to understand or explain bewilder /b ɪ 'w ɪ ld ɚ / (v.); Cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused pediatrician /'pid ɪ ə'tri ʃ ən/ (n.); A medical practitioner specializing in children and their diseases

5 Vocabulary psychiatrist /sa ɪ 'ka ɪ ətr ɪ st/ (n.); A medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness retard /r ɪ 't ɑ rd/ (v.); to make the development or progress of something slower quandary /'kw ɑ ndər ɪ / (n.); the state of not being able to decide what to do in a difficult situation

6 Vocabulary Ambidextrous /'æmbə'd ɛ kstrəs/ (n.); able to use the left hand or the right hand equally well Concur /kən'k ɝ / (v.); Agree with (a decision, opinion, or finding); Be of the same opinion; agree We have the same opinion.

7 A different way of thinking Reading 2

8 Introduction Paul Holtz, a 22-year-old whiz who solves complex computer problems for the Stillwater School District in St. Paul,Minn.

9 Condition But Paul, who was once labeled ”slow” by teachers, can’t drive a car – and he can’t get a college degree.

10 Influence Paul’s mind has baffled his parents because he was different in some ways, Because of this problems, his adolescence – academically and socially – became very stressful for him.

11 Search for solutions His parents took him to Mayo Clinic psychometrists, who administer and interpret psychological tests, evaluated Paul while he performed simple linear tasks.

12 Consequence He did not do well on anything straightforward. However, he performed remarkably well on tasks that required complex like calculation.

13 Conclusion Paul, himself, doesn’t really understand how he gets from one point to another. →It means he is not linear-thought He can do all kinds of sophisticated things in his mind quickly → It means he is nonlinear-thought

14 How do you think ?

15 First Question When you participate in a race, and overtake the second one. What’s your position now? Answer : If your answer is the first one, you are wrong! If you overtake the first two, you only position to replace the man, you are still the second one.

16 Second Question You are in a race, and you overtake the last person. What’s your position now? Answer : If your answer is the reciprocal of the second, you are wrong again! Tell me, how can you overtake the last one? No solution for this problem.

17 Third Question Mary‘s father has five daughters, the eldest daughter Nana, 2ed Nene, 3rd Nini, 4th Nono. (a,e,i,o) Then, what does the 5th daughter name? Answer : Mary = =

18 Fourth Question A mute goes to buy a toothbrush, he imitates the action of brushing to the shopkeeper. The purchase is successfully done. Now if a blind man to buy a pair of sunglasses. How should he express himself ? Answer : Open his mouth. He is a blind, not a mute! It's that simple!!

19 Linear thought Linear thought is like following a recipe. Steps progress in a logical sequence until a task is completed. They deal with things logically but sometimes it’s a danger in relying too heavily on logic.

20 Non-linear thought People like Paul Holtz process information in a non-linear way. People who think in a non- linear way such as Einstein, often have trouble in school. However, they may be considered ”geniuses” in fields that interest them because they are more creative.

21 Questions Which type of thoughts do you like? Linear? Non-linear? If you can choose your thinking style, which one you will select? Linear? Non-linear? or remain the same?

22 Ending Paul is happy now.

23 A Head Injury Leads to a Change in Character. A Man Who Borrowed Cars Reading 1 P.42~43

24 Vocabulary subarachnoid hemorrhage 蛛網膜下出血 /.s ʌ bə‘rækn ɔ id ’hemərid ʒ / aneurysm /’ænjə.r ɪ zəm/ (n.); An excessive localized enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening of the artery wall 動脈瘤 rupture /'r ʌ pt ʃɚ / (v.); an injury in which something inside the body breaks apart or bursts

25 Vocabulary psychiatric /'sa ɪ k ɪ 'ætr ɪ k/ (adj.); relating to psychiatry or to mental illness visuospatial /'vi ʒ əwō'spæ ʃ əl/ (adj.); Relating to or denoting the visual perception of the spatial relationships of objects 視覺空間 misdemeanor /'m ɪ sd ɪ 'min ɚ / (n.); A nonindictable offense, regarded in the US (and formerly in the UK) as less serious than a felony

26 Vocabulary vicinity /və's ɪ nət ɪ / (n.); the area around a particular place semantic /sə'mænt ɪ k/ (adj.); connected with the meaning of words and sentences psychotherapy /'sa ɪ ko'θ ɛ rəp ɪ / (n.); the treatment of mental illness by discussing somebody's problems with them rather than by giving them drugs

27 Vocabulary ignition / ɪ g'n ɪʃ ən/ (n.); the electrical system of a vehicle that makes the fuel begin to burn to start the engine; the place in a vehicle where you start this system lesion /'li ʒ ən/ (n.); damage to the skin or part of the body caused by injury or by illness premorbid /prē'môrbəd/ (adj.); Preceding the occurrence of symptoms of disease or disorder

28 Vocabulary detrimental /'d ɛ trə'm ɛ ntḷ/ (adj.); Tending to cause harm relapse /'ri'læps/ (n.); the fact of becoming ill/sick again after making an improvement impairment / ɪ m'p ɛ rmənt/ (n.); the state of having a physical or mental condition which means that part of your body or brain does not work correctly; a particular condition of this sort

29 Thank you for your attention

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