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 Key achievements since the PCCRT, 2009  Current climate change projects  JNAP process  JNAP Implementation status  Challenges/lessons learned 

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2  Key achievements since the PCCRT, 2009  Current climate change projects  JNAP process  JNAP Implementation status  Challenges/lessons learned  Conclusion

3  *JNAP on CCADRM (2010-2015) as first PIC to develop one  *SNC (will be soon submitted to Cabinet)  *Establishment of the Parliament Standing Committee for environment and climate change  *Holding CC Roundtable with resident donors with all relevant stakeholders (to be conducted on a quarterly basis)  *Tonga Energy Road Map 2010-2020  *Integration of CC and DRR as one of the priority goals under the NSPF 2011-2014  *Formulation and subsequent approval by cabinet of the National Forest Policy 2009 where cc issues (mitigation and adaptation issues already incorporated  *EM Act 2010  *RE Amendment Act 2010  *Launching of the MECC Website  *Implementation of adaptation and mitigation projects

4 CC Mitigation; 1. *RE Projects/solar home systems offgrid (11 outer islands) 2. *PIGGAREP (EE Policy Framework & RE) 3. *Solar grid connected

5 *CC EA - SNC *CC Adaptation  -GIZCCPIR  -PACC  -MESCAL  -ICCAI (LIDAR and coastal feasibility studies under PASAP program) LIDAR in May or June for Haapai and Tongatapu Coastal feasibility studies  -ICCAI (PCCSP ie establishment of the climate database management system) @  -ICCAI (strengthening the implementation of JNAP, improve access to climate change funds, on ground adaptation projects on water resources and coastal areas)  -SGP – community based projects (MECC as member of the country committee) as coordinated by the Civil Society Forum of Tonga  -Transport Project (infrastructure project)

6  What is? Joint National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management One of the key achievements by Tonga in addressing issues in relation to climate change, sea level rise, extreme events and geological hazards First PIC to develop this Joint Initiative. Approved by Cabinet, Tonga in July 2010. Plan that highlights national & community priority goals and activities to be implemented to enable people and environment of Tonga to adequately adapt to climate change impacts and to mitigate disaster risks This plan also contributes to the implementation of the Regional Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Frameworks (PIFACCC, DRR) and International Conventions and Agreements (UNFCCC, IDRR)

7  Why was it developed? One component of the Second National Communication Programme on Climate Change (vulnerability and adaptation assessment on CC and DRM) Commonalities of CCA & DRM Geographically smallness in size, commonalities, JNAP was developed

8  *Political Support Cabinet Ministers (2009)  Joint HLAT SOPAC & SPREP  Ministers of Environment and Climate and Minister for Works and Disaster Relief Activities  Approved by Cabinet in October 2009 to develop JNAP CCADRM CEOs (government ministries/departments, NGOs, statutory board, private sectors)  *Multi-disciplinary CCA & DRM teams  *Situation Analysis/Vulnerability Assessment  *Stakeholders and community consultations  *Logframe Analysis  *Costing and Implementation Strategy

9  Synergies with other initiatives? Goal 7 of the NSPF 2009-2014 MDG (Goal 7) PIFACC 2006-2015 UNFCCC PDRR &DRM Framework for Action 2005-2015 IDNDR Yokohama Plan for Action Hyoko Framework for Action 2005-2015

10  Vision: promote and ensure safe, healthy, secure and resilient communities to climate change impacts and disaster risks Goal 1: Improved good governance for CCADRM (mainstreaming, decision making, organisational, institutional policy and regulatory frameworks) Goal 2: Enhanced technical knowledge, base information, education and understanding of CCADRM Goal 3: Analysis and assessment of CCI and DR Goal 4: Enhanced community preparedness and resilience to all disasters Goal 5: Technically reliable, economically affordable and environmentally sound energy support to SD of Tonga Goal 6: Strong partnerships, cooperation, coordination within government agencies, NGOs and private sectors


12  *PASAP under ICCAI (AUSAID & DCCEE)  *PCCSP under ICCAI  *SOPAC  *TNC (GEF/UNDP)  *PPCR (ADB)  *DRM activities (EU, AUSAID)  *Adaptation fund (MIE)  *GEF 5  *CCA bilateral funds

13  *Team work (good/dedicated/ leader and members)  *Coordination and partnerships be strengthened (within government agencies & with NGOs, private sectors, communities)  *National Capacity building/enhancement be encouraged  (skills and knowledge& expertise) transfer in PIC- SNC & JNAP experience)  *Strengthen partnerships with regional agencies to offer technical/professional assistance to PICs (reduce heavily dependence on international consultants)  *Sustainability (continuity) issues (national/regional)  *Direct involvement of the communities in project activities (ownership)

14  * Donor coordination and harmonisation to avoid duplication (eg too many mainstreaming, consultations)  *Country driven issues  *Allocation of funds for both PMU &operational) *Accessibility and processes-donor funds (access/criteria/template/time/disbursements/raise expectation esp of communities) *too many consultations /policy/strategy and less implementations *financial/human resources *lack of country specific data


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