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FACING OUR FEARS WITH CHRIST Psalm 34: 1-22 “I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” (4)

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Presentation on theme: "FACING OUR FEARS WITH CHRIST Psalm 34: 1-22 “I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” (4)"— Presentation transcript:

1 FACING OUR FEARS WITH CHRIST Psalm 34: 1-22 “I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” (4)

2 Fear Afflicts Us “…let the afflicted hear…” (2) The fall left humankind vulnerable to fear. (afflicted) Unhealthy fear is not from God. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear” (2 Tim. 1:7) Left unchecked, fear: Can weaken our confidence in God’s goodness. It can destroy contentment. The fall left humankind vulnerable to fear. (afflicted) Unhealthy fear is not from God. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear” (2 Tim. 1:7) Left unchecked, fear: Can weaken our confidence in God’s goodness. It can destroy contentment.

3 Fear can open the door to a flood of doubts. Fear can make a person double minded. Fear can produce control freaks. Fear can release uncontrolled anger. Fear can cause us to horde. Fear attempts to eliminate all risk. Fear causes memory loss; forgetting God’s faithfulness in the past. Fear can open the door to a flood of doubts. Fear can make a person double minded. Fear can produce control freaks. Fear can release uncontrolled anger. Fear can cause us to horde. Fear attempts to eliminate all risk. Fear causes memory loss; forgetting God’s faithfulness in the past.

4 Our word FEAR comes from the greek word PHOBOS Meaning: scared, running from, dread, terror, intimidation of an adversary, debilitating. Unhealthy fear produces what we call an ANXIOUS spirit. Anxious: uneasy, fearful concern, tension, fret, distress. (WORRY) Our word FEAR comes from the greek word PHOBOS Meaning: scared, running from, dread, terror, intimidation of an adversary, debilitating. Unhealthy fear produces what we call an ANXIOUS spirit. Anxious: uneasy, fearful concern, tension, fret, distress. (WORRY)

5 So fear produces worry and worry is very hard on our lives. Worry is the result of a failure to trust God. While addressing worry, Jesus said: “O you of little Faith?...So do not worry…” (Matt. 6: 31, 32) Knowing the destructive nature of worry and that it points to a lack of faith, I often pray: “Deliver me from this evil” So fear produces worry and worry is very hard on our lives. Worry is the result of a failure to trust God. While addressing worry, Jesus said: “O you of little Faith?...So do not worry…” (Matt. 6: 31, 32) Knowing the destructive nature of worry and that it points to a lack of faith, I often pray: “Deliver me from this evil”

6 Christ’s most common command comes from the “Fear Not” genre. The N.T. lists 125 commands from Christ. 21 are directly related to “do not fear”. (Worry) Love God & neighbour has 8. The numbers alone indicate that Christ takes our worry serious. Think about it, the one statement he made more than any other was, do not worry/ don’t be afraid. Christ’s most common command comes from the “Fear Not” genre. The N.T. lists 125 commands from Christ. 21 are directly related to “do not fear”. (Worry) Love God & neighbour has 8. The numbers alone indicate that Christ takes our worry serious. Think about it, the one statement he made more than any other was, do not worry/ don’t be afraid.

7 Fearing God Delivers Us From All Other Fears “Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing.” (9) This is a reverential fear in God that acts as a guiding motive in our lives. It is a wholesome dread of displeasing him. It is a knowledge that nothing else but him will truly satisfy. This is a reverential fear in God that acts as a guiding motive in our lives. It is a wholesome dread of displeasing him. It is a knowledge that nothing else but him will truly satisfy.

8 A God that we do not have to be concerned about (reverence) is no God at all. The Scriptures are pregnant with the words “fear God” If fear and worry are evils to avoid then faith and courage are blessings to embrace. When our God is truly great our fears are not. As we turn to our maker in faith and prayer we trade turmoil for peace A God that we do not have to be concerned about (reverence) is no God at all. The Scriptures are pregnant with the words “fear God” If fear and worry are evils to avoid then faith and courage are blessings to embrace. When our God is truly great our fears are not. As we turn to our maker in faith and prayer we trade turmoil for peace

9 “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” (8) We take refuge in him by invitation. This Portion of Scripture makes several promises to the believer: He will deliver us from fear (4) He will save us from trouble (17) He will send angels to assist (7) He will supply our needs (9) “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” (8) We take refuge in him by invitation. This Portion of Scripture makes several promises to the believer: He will deliver us from fear (4) He will save us from trouble (17) He will send angels to assist (7) He will supply our needs (9)

10 He will give us abundant life (12) He will hear our prayers (15) He will comfort us with his presence (18) He will redeem us (22) He will give us abundant life (12) He will hear our prayers (15) He will comfort us with his presence (18) He will redeem us (22)

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