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1 Education, Research and Support Speech Pathology Services The IEP Process.

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1 1 Education, Research and Support Speech Pathology Services The IEP Process

2 2 Education, Research and Support Why Evaluate? The purpose of the speech pathology evaluation is to: Determine if the student has a communication disorder Identify specific areas of impairment Determine the severity of impairment Identify goals of treatment

3 3 Education, Research and Support What the SLP needs to know: Developmental history Meds: current and past, how often they seem to change Associated Conditions History of tics and a full description of how they manifest Hints on how you differentiate between tics and behaviors

4 4 Education, Research and Support What the SLP needs to know: Situations that improve and reduce performance The student’s interests The parent’s, teacher’s, and student’s primary concerns Basic information about TS, especially that symptoms wax and wane so always expect the unexpected

5 5 Education, Research and Support The Evaluation Process Evaluation process will vary, depending on individual needs of the student – Length and number of testing sessions – Type of testing – Age of student Establishing rapport prior to testing is important Evaluation will typically consist of two types of assessment: – Standardized – Non-standardized SLP then analyzes the information and writes the report/recommendations/goals to present at the IEP meeting

6 6 Education, Research and Support The IEP Meeting The purpose of the IEP meeting is to: Review results of any testing that has been completed Determine whether or not your child qualifies for special education services Determine the frequency and types of services your child will be receiving Determine goals for treatment if your child does qualify

7 7 Education, Research and Support Goals are Important! “If you don’t know where you are going, how can you expect to get there?” -Basil S. Walsh

8 8 Education, Research and Support IEP Goals Well written goals are critical for successful outcomes… they are the roadmap to your destination! Treatment goals should be: Specific Measurable Objective Attainable in specified amount of time

9 9 Education, Research and Support Examples Johnny will demonstrate appropriate social skills across communication settings. This is NOT specific…which social skills are impaired and need to be addressed? This is NOT measurable…how often is the target behavior supposed to occur? This is NOT objective…how are “appropriate social skills” defined? How do you know if this is attainable if it is isn’t objective or measurable?

10 10 Education, Research and Support Examples Johnny will use scripted language to introduce a topic with a peer and maintain two more conversational turns in 80%, or 4 out of 5 opportunities, during structured therapy sessions. This is specific…it identifies which social skills are impaired (topic maintenance and conversational turn taking) and will be addressed This is measurable…5 opportunities will be presented in therapy and he will meet the goal when he can do this at least 80% of the time. This is objective…a specific script will be taught and scenarios for practice will be created in the context of speech therapy sessions. This is attainable…can be met in a one-year time period.

11 11 Education, Research and Support Therapy…what you should know TS is complicated and may affect several areas If deficits are severe, goals are prioritized Different goals require different settings: -speech, syntax, semantics are more easily addressed in small groups in the SLP’s office; can also occur in individual therapy -pragmatics are best targeted in naturalistic settings with typically developing and socially impaired peers

12 12 Education, Research and Support ASHA The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) oversees the professions of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

13 13 Education, Research and Support Contact Information Pamela Malley, MA, CCC-SLP Education Committee, TSA

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