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Trans-Atlantic Linkages - via the subpolar gyre Hjálmar Hátún ASOF - Halifax - 08 Co-authors: M. R. Payne, G, Beaugrand, P. C. Reid, A. Sandø, H. Drange,

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Presentation on theme: "Trans-Atlantic Linkages - via the subpolar gyre Hjálmar Hátún ASOF - Halifax - 08 Co-authors: M. R. Payne, G, Beaugrand, P. C. Reid, A. Sandø, H. Drange,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trans-Atlantic Linkages - via the subpolar gyre Hjálmar Hátún ASOF - Halifax - 08 Co-authors: M. R. Payne, G, Beaugrand, P. C. Reid, A. Sandø, H. Drange, B. Hansen, J. A. Jacobsen, D. Bloch

2 Rockall Irminger Current Faroe Current (Hatun et al., Science 2005) The Subpolare Gyre and the marine climate

3 R I Irminger Current (obs.) Rockall (obs.) Gyre index Record high T and S The Subpolare Gyre and the marine climate

4 2.The Subpolar Gyre and Plankton

5 Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) (SAHFOS, Plymouth) Towing lines since the 1940s

6 Area south of Iceland SSH (temperature og currents) Hátún et al., Science, 2005 Phytoplankton Sea Surface Temperature Beaugrand, Science 2002 Calanus finmarchicus ”Gyre pattern” 2. SPG and plankton Phytoplankton

7 Time-development of the ”gyre-mode” SSH PCI SST Calanus finmarchicus SST 2. SPG and plankton Less Cal. Fin.

8 Amount of zooplankton with relatively warm water affinities (boreal) CTA: Cold-Temperate Assemblage calanoid copepods Aetidus armatus, Pleuromamma robusta, Acartia spp. and Metridia lucens. 2. SPG and plankton Zooplankton

9 3.The Subpolar Gyre and Pelagic Fish (blue whiting)

10 Stor endringer i kolmule bestanden Largest fishery in the North Atlantic! 3. SPG and blue whiting Large mid-1990s increase

11 Warm (1998-2003) Cold (1990-1996) Spatial Shift (Catches – all nations) 1997 3. SPG and blue whiting Western region East-West index = (Faroese landings from western region)/ (total faroese landigs)

12 Blue whiting migration Western index Gyre index

13 Pilot whale migration

14 (Catch in NE area)/(total catch)

15 Long-term pilot whale migration

16 Prediction Reversal in 2005-2006! Is this causing the poor recruitments during 05-06? Good recruitment conditions should resume

17 Atmospheric forcing Katja Lohmann, Helge Drange and Mats Bentsen: What caused the strong weakening of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre post 1995?, Submitted. for GRL 0-wind stress curl

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