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第一册 陆先鉴 江汉大学外国语学院. Unit Eight Native People.

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1 第一册 陆先鉴 江汉大学外国语学院

2 Unit Eight Native People

3 In-classroom Activity The First Step Reading Skill: Context Clues to Word Meaning II

4 1. Review

5 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II 1. What are semantic relationships?

6 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II 1. What are semantic relationships? Semantic relationships refer to the relationships between meanings of two (or two groups of) words in the same context, in which sometimes the meaning(s) of one (or one group of) word(s) can be used to explain or guess the meaning(s) of the other (or the other group) because of their semantic relationships.

7 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II 2. What may semantic relationships include?

8 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 2. What may semantic relationships include? Semantic relationships may include class relationship, contrast relationship, comparison relationship, etc.

9 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 3. What is class relationship?

10 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II 3. What is class relationship? Class relationship refers to the relationship between meaning one word or expression and meanings of a group of words in the same context. The meanings of the latter are included in the meaning of the former.

11 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 4. What is contrast relationship?

12 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 4. What is contrast relationship? Contrast relationship refers to the relationship between two words, one of which may be the specific word and the other, which is opposite in meaning with the former, may provide context clue to explain it. The two words are antonyms (the words opposite in meaning).

13 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 5. What is comparison relationship?

14 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 5. What is comparison relationship? Comparison relationship refers to the relationship between two words, one of which may be the specific word and the other, which is the same with the former in meaning, may provide context clue to explain it. The two words are synonyms (the words nearly the same in meaning).

15 Practice of context clues (p. 103)

16 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 1. The Iroquois Indians, who were an extremely large tribe with many branches and sub-branches (called “nation”) had developed a highly sophisticated system of government to keep the various branches of the tribe from fighting one another.

17 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 1. The Iroquois Indians, who were an extremely large tribe with many branches and sub-branches (called “nation”) had developed a highly sophisticated system of government to keep the various branches of the tribe from fighting one another. Context signal: (called …) Context: branches and sub-branches Dictionary: a tribe of North American Indians, sometimes one belonging to a confederate

18 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 2. Five of the nations had joined together in a union called “The League of the Iroquois.” Under the league, each nation was autonomous in running its own internal affairs, but the nations acted as a unit when dealing with outsiders.

19 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 2. Five of the nations had joined together in a union called “The League of the Iroquois.” Under the league, each nation was autonomous in running its own internal affairs, but the nations acted as a unit when dealing with outsiders. Context signal: called Context: a union Dictionary: an association or alliance of individuals, groups, or nations

20 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 3. Their main weapons and implements were spear, spear-thrower, digging stick, club, boomerang, shield, stone ax, and knife.

21 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 3. Their main weapons and implements were spear, spear-thrower, digging stick, club, boomerang, shield, stone ax, and knife. Context signal: and Context: weapons Dictionary: an article or device used or needed in a given activity; tool, instrument, utensil, etc.

22 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 4. The returning boomerang, a curved club which can be thrown so that its flight will bring it back near the place whence it was thrown, was made only in the eat and west and was unknown to Aborigines is the center and the North.

23 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 4. The returning boomerang, a curved club which can be thrown so that its flight will bring it back near the place whence it was thrown, was made only in the eat and west and was unknown to Aborigines is the center and the North. Context signal:, …, Context: a curved club which can be thrown, so that its flight will bring it back near the place whence it was thrown Dictionary: a flat, curved stick that can be thrown so that it will return to a point near the thrower: it is used as a weapon by Australian Aborigines

24 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 5. Our two major objectives are: improving the living conditions in the village by modernizing community infrastructure such as roads, drinking water, solar energy, as well as building health center and secondary schools; and helping villagers earn more income from their agricultural activities to ease the burden of the manual labor necessary to till their fields.

25 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 5. Our two major objectives are: improving the living conditions in the village by modernizing community infrastructure such as roads, … Context signal: such as Context: roads, drinking water, solar energy, as well as building health center and secondary schools Dictionary: the basic installations and facilities on which the continuance and growth of a community, state, etc. depend, as roads, schools, power plants, transportation and communication system, etc.

26 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 6. They hunt the caribou, a large deer with big horns that travels across the huge spaces of the far north.

27 Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning II-1 6. They hunt the caribou, a large deer with big horns that travels across the huge spaces of the far north. Context signal:, Context: a large deer with big horns that travels across the huge spaces of the far north. Dictionary: any of several large North American reindeer

28 In-classroom Activity The Second Step Word Pretest (p. 100)

29 Word Pretest 1. On their journey, they encountered an English couple. A. talked to B. met C. quarreled with

30 Word Pretest 1. On their journey, they encountered an English couple. encounter – to meet sb or sth A. talked to – to say things to someone B. met – to come to the same place as sb else because you have arranged it or by chance: C. quarreled with –to have an angry argument

31 Word Pretest 1.On their journey, they encountered an English couple. A. talked to B. met C. quarreled with

32 Word Pretest 2. Tome’s contribution to our victory in this competition was very important. Without him, it would be very difficult for us to win. A. knowledge B. help C. appearance

33 Word Pretest 2. Tome’s contribution to our victory in this competition was very important. Without him, it would be very difficult for us to win. contribution – sth that you give or do to help make sth successful A. knowledge – information that sb knows about sth B. help – to be useful C. appearance – the point at which sth begins to exist

34 Word Pretest 2. Tome’s contribution to our victory in this competition was very important. Without him, it would be very difficult for us to win. A. knowledge B. help C. appearance

35 Word Pretest 3. Is this your permanent address, or are you only staying there for a short time? A. lasting for a few moments B. lasting for ever C. lasting for a few years

36 Word Pretest 3. Is this your permanent address, or are you only staying there for a short time? permanent – continuing to exist for a long time or for all future time A. lasting for a few moments –continuing to exist for a few months B. lasting for ever – continuing to happen in future C. lasting for a few years – continue for a few years.

37 Word Pretest 3. Is this your permanent address, or are you only staying there for a short time? A. lasting for a few moments B. lasting for ever C. lasting for a few years

38 Word Pretest 4. After their independence, people on this island establish an autonomous government. A. strong B. self-governing C. popular

39 Word Pretest 4. After their independence, people on this island establish an autonomous government. autonomous – having the power to make independent decisions or rules A. strong –having a lot of power, or using your power firmly to control what happens B. self-governing – the government control by yourself, not by others C. popular –liked by a lot of people

40 Word Pretest 4. After their independence, people on this island establish an autonomous government. A. strong B. self-governing C. popular

41 Word Pretest 5. His family can trace its history back to the 10th century. A. prove B. provide evidence of C. find the origins of … by going back

42 Word Pretest 5. His family can trace its history back to the 10th century. trace – to find the origins of sth and find out how it has developed A. prove – to show that sth is definitely true B. provide evidence of – to show the proofs of C. find the origins of … by going back – to find out how sth started

43 Word Pretest 5. His family can trace its history back to the 10th century. A. prove B. provide evidence of C. find the origins of … by going back

44 Word Pretest 6. The seasons follow each other in rotation. A. coming around one after another B. coming now and then C. coming for ever

45 Word Pretest 6. The seasons follow each other in rotation. in rotation – happening or doing sth. first, then the second until the end and again from very beginning to the end, and again and again A. coming around one after another – to happen as a regular event again and again B. coming now and then – sometime but not very often C. coming for ever – permanently

46 Word Pretest 6. The seasons follow each other in rotation. A. coming around one after another B. coming now and then C. coming for ever

47 Word Pretest 7. I was surprised at the extent of his knowledge. A. limit B. range C. content

48 Word Pretest 7. I was surprised at the extent of his knowledge. extent – how big, important, or serious sth is A. limit – the greatest amount, number etc that is allowed or possible (pl.) bounds or boundary line B. range – limits of possible variations of amount, degree, etc. C. content -- the ideas or information in a book, program etc

49 Word Pretest 7. I was surprised at the extent of his knowledge. A. limit B. range C. content

50 Word Pretest 8. We are indebted to our neighbors for their kind help when we were in trouble. A. thankful B. warm-hearted C. friendly

51 Word Pretest 8. We are indebted to our neighbors for their kind help when we were in trouble. indebted – (formal) to be very grateful to sb A. thankful – glad and grateful that sth good has happened B. warm-hearted – friendly and kind C. friendly –behaving towards other people in a way that shows that you like them

52 Word Pretest 8. We are indebted to our neighbors for their kind help when we were in trouble. A. thankful B. warm-hearted C. friendly

53 In-classroom Activity The Third Step Text, Section A

54 Native American Influences on Modern American Culture

55 Text, Section A 1. Text-reading (p. 101)

56 1. Try to finish the reading of the text within eight and a half minutes and to get the basic idea of the story. (717/80wpm≈9 minutes) 2. After finishing the reading try to do Reading Comprehension on page 103

57 Text, Section A 2. Reading Comprehension (P. 103)

58 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 1. When the European settlers first came to the North America continent, they met ______ A. the Indians B. the Eskimos C. British settlers

59 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 1. When the European settlers first came to the North America continent, they met ______ A. the Indians B. the Eskimos C. British settlers A (When the first Europeans began to settle in the North American continent, they encountered a completely new culture: the Indian tribes of Nroth America. L1, 1st para.)

60 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 1. When the European settlers first came to the North America continent, they met ______ A. the Indians B. the Eskimos C. British settlers

61 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 2. The Indians have made many valuable contributions to American culture in the following EXCEPT ______. A. language B. agriculture C. industry

62 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 2. The Indians have made many valuable contributions to American culture in the following EXCEPT ______. A. language B. agriculture C. industry C (As a result, the Indians have made many valuable contributions to American culture, particularly in the area of language, art, government, and food. last sentence of 1st para.)

63 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 2. The Indians have made many valuable contributions to American culture in the following EXCEPT ______. A. language B. agriculture C. industry

64 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 3. Which group of words shows the Indian influence on the English language? A. Delaware, chip, Alabama B. Miami, New York, Iowa C. Potato, Chicago, skunk

65 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 3. Which group of words shows the Indian influence on the English language? A. Delaware, chip, Alabama B. Miami, New York, Iowa C. Potato, Chicago, skunk C (For example, the states of Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, and Alabama are named after Indian tribes, as are Chicago, Miami, and Spokane … The words chipmunk, moose, raccoon, skunk, moccasin, and potato are just few examples. L 4, 2nd para.)

66 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 3. Which group of words shows the Indian influence on the English language? A. Delaware, chip, Alabama B. Miami, New York, Iowa C. Potato, Chicago, skunk

67 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 4. Paragraph 3 deals with Indian contribution to American culture in the area of ______. A. language B. government C. art

68 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 4. Paragraph 3 deals with Indian contribution to American culture in the area of ______. A. language B. government C. art C (Art is another area showing the mark of Indian contact. L 3, 3rd para.)

69 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 4. Paragraph 3 deals with Indian contribution to American culture in the area of ______. A. language B. government C. art

70 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 5. What is the function of “The League of the Iroquois”? A. the League kept the Iroquois fighting among themselves. B. The league joined the forces of the Iroquois to deal with other tribes. C. Both A and B

71 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 5. What is the function of “The League of the Iroquois”? C (Under the league, each nation was autonomous in running its own internal affairs, but the nations acted as a union when dealing with outsiders. The League kept Iroquois fighting among themselves and … L 4, para. 4)

72 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 5. What is the function of “The League of the Iroquois”? A. the League kept the Iroquois fighting among themselves. B. The league joined the forces of the Iroquois to deal with other tribes. C. Both A and B

73 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 6. From whom did the thirteen American colonies learn their form of government? A. Early European settlers. B. The Navajo Indian. C. The Iroquois Indians.

74 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 6. From whom did the thirteen American colonies learn their form of government? C (When the thirteen American colonies were considering what kind of government to establish after they won their independence from Britain, someone suggested that they use a system similar to the League of the Iroquois. L 8, para. 4)

75 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 6. From whom did the thirteen American colonies learn their form of government? A. Early European settlers. B. The Navajo Indian. C. The Iroquois Indians.

76 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 7. What is the main idea of paragraph 5? A. From the Indians Americans learnt farming techniques such as using irrigation methods and crop rotation B. The Indians introduced food such as potatoes, corn, chocolate, and peanuts to Europeans settlers in America C. There was Indians in American farming and food.

77 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 7. What is the main idea of paragraph 5? C (The final area in which Indian culture has affected American culture is farming … In addition, many of the foods we eat today were introduced to the Europeans by Indians. Paragraph. 5)

78 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 7. What is the main idea of paragraph 5? A. From the Indians Americans learnt farming techniques such as using irrigation methods and crop rotation B. The Indians introduced food such as potatoes, corn, chocolate, and peanuts to Europeans settlers in America C. There was Indians in American farming and food.

79 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 8. What do you think is the author’s attitude towards the American Indians? A. Critical. B. Positive. C. Negative

80 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 8. What do you think is the author’s attitude towards the American Indians? A. Critical. B. Positive. C. Negative B (Modern Americans are truly indebted to the North American Indians for their contributions to their culture.…. L. 3, para. 6)

81 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 8. What do you think is the author’s attitude towards the American Indians? A. Critical. B. Positive. C. Negative

82 Reading Comprehension, Text, Section A 8. What do you think is the author’s attitude towards the American Indians? A. Critical. B. Positive. C. Negative

83 In-classroom Activity The Fourth Step Vocabulary Building (p. 105) (2) suffix

84 Vocabulary Building, suffix suffix: -ly, -er. – or, -ar 1. -ly--- 1) noun + -ly = adjective like, characteristic of, suitable to e. g. manly, godly, deadly happening (once) every (specified period of time) e. g. hourly, monthly

85 Vocabulary Building, suffix suffix: -ly, -er. – or, -ar 1. -ly--- 2) stem / adjective + -ly = adverb in a (specified) manner or direction, to a (specified) extent, in or at a (specified) time or place e. g. haply ( 偶然地 ), inwardly, merely

86 Vocabulary Building, suffix suffix: -ly, -er. – or, -ar 1. -ly--- 3) numeral + -ly = adverb in the (specified) order e. g. firstly, thirdly]

87 Vocabulary Building, suffix suffix: -ly, -er. – or, -ar 2. -er --- verb / noun+ er = agential noun e. g. hatter 帽商, geographer; New Yorker, cottager, southerner; diner, looker-on/on-looker, stander-by; roller, writer, singer, driver, banker

88 Vocabulary Building, suffix suffix: -ly, -er. – or, -ar 3. -or --- verb / stem + -or = agential noun e. g. actor, doctor, professor, inventor, visitor, editor, operator, supervisor, compressor

89 Vocabulary Building, suffix suffix: -ly, -er. – or, -ar 3. – or Remarks: 1) words from -our: e. g. ardor, armor, color, endeavor, favor, honor, labor, rumor, savior; 2) words from – our, but always spelled as -or: e. g. error, liquor, pallor, terror

90 Vocabulary Building, suffix suffix: -ly, -er. – or, -ar 4. – ar 1) noun / stem + -ar = adjective e. g. singular, polar 2) verb + -ar = agential noun e. g. beggar, registrar

91 Vocabulary Building, suffix Key to the exercise of suffix (p. 106) 1. driver 2. lovely 3. murderer 4. actor 5. cowardly 6. beastly 7. painter 8. inventor

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