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My report is about He was President # and led our great country from___ until______. Picture of President goes here. By the way, my name is __________.

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2 My report is about He was President # and led our great country from___ until______. Picture of President goes here. By the way, my name is __________.

3 Type answers here. Please use complete sentences and check for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Please create at least four sentences/four facts. This President had a great economic impact on America. He changed the way money was collected and spent. I’ve listed some of these changes below.

4 Type answers here. Please use complete sentences and check for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Please create at least four sentences/four facts. This great man molded social changes for America. He proposed new ways for people to see each other, respect each other, and help each other, whether we were helping individual people or whole groups of people.

5 Type answers here. Please use complete sentences and check for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Please create at least four sentences/four facts. This President affected how lawmakers made good laws, bad laws, or no laws about issues that were important to everyday Americans. I have mentioned four such laws and told you what issues the laws addressed, and what the laws required people to do or not do. I have also told you whether the lawmakers were cooperative with the President.

6 Type answers here. Please use complete sentences and check for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Please create at least four sentences/four facts. New technologies and inventions appeared during the time of this President. Let me tell you about four inventions, and how they changed both individual lives and the lives of the whole country.

7 Type answers here. Please use complete sentences and check for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Please create at least four sentences/four facts. After reviewing the life of this extraordinary President, I have concluded that I will give this President a My four reasons are listed on this page.

8 Works Cited Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 3 May 2013. “Name of President.” The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago, IL: World Book, 2009. Print. The Presidents. PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 3 May. 2013. gallery/presidents-bios/ "The Presidents." The White House. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 May 2013. "Presidents of the United States (POTUS)." Presidents of the United States (POTUS). N.p., n.d. Web. 3 May2013. Here are the sources for my information. Maybe you’ll want to read more about this great President some day.

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