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Bellwork 1-13-15 Which diagram best represents an exchange of gases between plants and animals?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork 1-13-15 Which diagram best represents an exchange of gases between plants and animals?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork 1-13-15 Which diagram best represents an exchange of gases between plants and animals?

2 Need to Know Read the two paragraphs at the bottom of the first page. In addition to taking the genes needed to make chlorophyll, what else are the slugs able to take from the algae they’ve eaten? Why is this important to their ability to undergo photosynthesis?

3 Roots, Stems and Leaves Stems-connects a plant’s roots to its leaves. It supports, and stores and transports materials Leaves-vary in shape and size; main function is to make food for the plant Roots-part of a plant that is usually found underground to provide the plant with water and dissolved minerals, keeps plant secure in soil, and stores surplus food

4 Flower Reproduction BrainPop

5 Practice st16/barking_college/floristry/flower/start.html

6 Exit Card List 3 flower parts you have learned about. What is the function of each part?

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