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Published byGarey Turner Modified over 9 years ago
Birth to 1 Year Melissa Wise Erica Lang Stephanie Smith Adam Stotler
Newborn Growth Average weight: 7lbs 8 oz Lose 5-10% of weight first 3-4 days after birth Average Length: 20 inches (50cm) Grow 1 inch per month for first 6 months Head Circumference 13-14 inches Chest circumference 12 -14 inches Anterior Fontanel (Bregma) – diamond shaped 3-4cm long by 2-3 cm wide Posterior Fontanel (Lambda) –triangle shaped 1-2 cm NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Erikson: Trust vs Mistrust Freud: Oral Phase Piaget: Sensorimotor Phase
NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. SAFETY Car safety seat should be rear-facing in the back seat and should never be in a seat near an airbag Keep your baby out of the sun Wash your hands often Test your baby's bath water with your wrist Put the baby sleeping on his/her back in a crib not in your bed alone – no blankets, pillows, or stuffed Never prop the baby's bottle Never leave the baby unattended Never shake a baby ever!! Feedings 8-10 feedings per day Signs your baby may be hungry: Sucking or rooting Fussing Puts hands in mouth Signs your baby may be full Turns away Closes mouth Relaxes hands 6-8 wet diapers per day Bonding & Playing Hold baby at close range Nurture your baby Swaddle – for comfort and warmth Rock them and play soft music Black and white contrast toys Newborn
Social / Emotional Begins to smile at people Can briefly calm self May bring hands to mouth to suck Tries to look at parents Language / Communication Coos and makes gurgling sounds Turns head toward sounds Cognitive Pays attention to faces Begins to follow things with eyes Recognizes people at a distance Begins to act bored (cries / fussy) if activity does not change Movement / Physical Can hold head up and begin to push up when laying on tummy makes smoother movements with arms and legs 2 Months
Safety Keep plastic bags, balloons, and other small objects away from your baby No plastic coverings on sheets or pillows Be cautious with leaving baby with older children Never leave baby alone in bath water Nothing around baby's neck Avoid feeding solid foods, juice and water Use flame retardant sleepwear “Tummy time” should be supervised Play with 2 month old Cuddle Read Sing Bright colored toys Infant swing Place in different parts of the room Rattles Massages Walks in strollers 2 Months
Social / Emotional Knows familiar faces / start to fear strangers Likes to play with others – especially parents Responds to other peoples emotions Likes to look at self in mirror Language / Communication Responds to sounds by making sounds Strings vowels together when babbling Responds to own name Shows joy and displeasure Cognitive Looks around at things nearby Brings things to mouth Shows curiosity Begins to pass things from one hand to the other Movement & Physical Rolls over in both directions When standing supports weight on legs and may bounce Sometimes crawling backward before forward Rocks back and forth Growth & Development Double their birth weight Gain 3-5 oz weekly for the next 6 months Height gain of 0.5 inches monthly Teething may begin with eruption of 2 lower central incisors Object permanence begins May begin to eat solids Introduce foods one at a time One new food for 4-7 days 6 Months
Safety Avoid foods that can cause allergies – Peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish Give small soft bites Soft cloth or tooth brush to clean teeth Don’t give a bottle in bed Keep one hand on baby at all times while changing Place gates on stairs Close doors to rooms they should not be in 1 piece toys Lock up poisons / medicines / cleaning supplies Toys / Play Look at and read books together Play games such as peek-a-boo and patty-cake Offer active play with mirrors, floor gyms, and colorful toys to hold Can clap hands, repeat name, feel textures, catch water from faucet Offer teething rings from the fridge (not freezer) 6 Months
9 Months Growth & Development Social / Emotional May be afraid of strangers May be clingy with familiar adults Has favorite toys Language / Communication Understands NO Makes many different sounds “ma ma ma” and “ba ba ba” Copies sounds and gestures of others Uses fingers to point at things Cognitive Looks for things you hide (Object permanence) Plays Peak-A-Boo Puts things in mouth Moves things smoothly from one hand to the other Picks up things like cereals between thumb and index finger (Fine motor skills) Movement & Physical Stands holding on can get into sitting position / sits with out support Pulls to stand Crawls
Safety Never have a gun in the home Do not leave heavy or hot things on table cloths that baby could pull over Put barriers around safe heaters and electrical cords out of baby's reach Avoid scaring or yelling at your baby Give healthy foods and avoid forcing baby to eat Toys & Play Talk / sing / and read daily Keep daily routines Watch your baby as they explore Balls, toys that roll, blocks, and containers to play with Avoid use of TV, Videos, and computers Use simple words Use “NO” only when your baby is going to get hurt or hurt others 9 Months
12 Months Growth & Development Social / Emotional Still fearful / nervous around strangers Baby cries when parent leaves Has favorite things and people Shows fear in some situations Repeat sounds / actions to get attention Language / Communication uses simple gestures (shaking head no, waving bye-bye Says “mama” and “dada” Tries to repeat words you say Responds to simple spoken requests Cognitive Explores things in different ways: Shaking, Banging, Throwing Has object permanence Copies gestures Starts to use things correctly: Drinks from a cup, brushes hair Movement & Physical Can sit in sitting position with out help May stand Alone / may take a few steps with out holding on Walks holding on to furnitaure
12 Months Toys & Play Colored blocks Cups Squeaky animals / dolls Music Sponge / squeeze toys activity box Peak-a-boo & Pat-a-cake Safety Car seat rear facing until 1 year old and at least 20 pounds Lock away poisons, medication, lawn & cleaning supplies Apply cabinet locks, electrical outlet covers, and keep doors closed to rooms that are off limits. Gates at top and bottom of stairs, guards on windows Keep furniture away from windows Lock way knives and scissors
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