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Retail Marketing Communications

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Presentation on theme: "Retail Marketing Communications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Retail Marketing Communications
By Rashida Cooper

2 Introduction Retail Communication Mix
Objectives Build brand Awareness and Loyalty Attract Customers Reduce Advertising expense Customers Quality Reduces research

3 4 P’s Price Product Place Promotion Personnel
Personnel- The process to communicate with consumers and other people about product offering.

4 Product Attributes Business want to be seen homogenous
Whopper Whopper JR Business want to be seen homogenous Humans are hierarchical Physiological needs such as hunger and thirst Below the line Advertising Non media Above the line advertising Paid Ad

5 Communication Mix Advertising Sales Promotion Publicity
Promotion Activities Importance Advertising Sales Promotion Publicity

6 Conclusion Effective Communication
How well customers react to information Decision Making process Feedback

7 Questions

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