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Adding pedagogic value to virtual experiments: examples from the QuVis simulations Antje Kohnle, University of St Andrews Workshop on Remote Experiments.

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Presentation on theme: "Adding pedagogic value to virtual experiments: examples from the QuVis simulations Antje Kohnle, University of St Andrews Workshop on Remote Experiments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding pedagogic value to virtual experiments: examples from the QuVis simulations Antje Kohnle, University of St Andrews Workshop on Remote Experiments for HE: 17 April 2015

2 17 simulations 50 simulations 18 simulations NEW: sims for touchscreens research-based; freely available for use online or download; introductory to advanced level One collection embedded in a full curriculum at developing introductory quantum theory using two-level systems Kohnle et al., Eur J Phys, 35, 015001 (2014)

3 Outline Adding pedagogic value:  multiple representations  implicit scaffolding  making the invisible visible  goals and in-built challenges  evaluation and refinement

4 Helping students make connections between multiple representations



7 Implicit scaffolding to guide students towards the learning goals and promote student-driven inquiry  Simple startup configuration to encourage exploration.  Controls typically explored from top to bottom, left to right (Saffer 2010). Progress from simpler to more complex situations.  Extreme cases often explored first. Use illuminating limiting cases.  Group related quantities.  Avoid extraneous material not required for learning goals. Reduce complexity to focus on key ideas.  User-controlled text explanations on demand.  Easily clickable controls to avoid frustration  Clear measurements or Reset button to create a safe environment.

8 Implicit scaffolding to guide students towards the learning goals

9 Making the invisible visible: promoting the development of models Kohnle et al. 2013 PERC Proceedings

10 Using goals and in-built challenges to promote engagement and deep learning

11 Kohnle et al, Am. J. Phys, in press

12 Using goals and in-built challenges to promote engagement and deep learning


14 Evaluation and refinement using student feedback key in developing educationally effective resources considers research on  student difficulties  interaction design  visualization Initial design  physics student coders  iterative revisions during coding Coding  revisions to all simulations and activities wherever appropriate Observation sessions  revisions  ideas for new simulations In-class trials Kohnle 2014 GIREP-MPTL Proceedings

15 The potential of pairing remote labs with interactive simulations Remote labs:  hands-on experience with real lab equipment, data-handling Accompanying simulation allows students to:  Refine mental models by making the invisible visible  Explore a wide range of parameters that would otherwise be difficult to change.  Compare outcomes of experiments for different models.

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