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5.1.1 “MARS Geodatabase, version 1“ Lidija Globevnik, Maja Koprivšek, Luka Snoj (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering) 22.

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Presentation on theme: "5.1.1 “MARS Geodatabase, version 1“ Lidija Globevnik, Maja Koprivšek, Luka Snoj (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering) 22."— Presentation transcript:

1 5.1.1 “MARS Geodatabase, version 1“ Lidija Globevnik, Maja Koprivšek, Luka Snoj (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering) 22 October 2015

2 Objectives of the 5.1.1 “Geo-Database” WP5: to quantify interactions among stressors, and their combined effect to aquatic ecosystems across Europe based on existing European databases and modelling tools. Subtask 5.1.1: Geo-database (European-level data) The main purpose of the Geo-database is to: 1)support the analysis carried out in several WPs of the project, especially Task 5.1.2, providing common reference spatial layers and 2)offer spatial layers to display the final outputs of the project. MARS Geodatabase: a)existing data layers at the European scale already publicly available b)produced MARS results

3 Conceptual design of the MARS Geodatabase (1) Inter-connections with other MARS Tasks The MARS Geodatabase is not be the repository of all input data of models/experiments used in the project, but of large spatial scale The MARS Geodatabase will contain agreed datasets regarding: -Multiple stressors -Ecological status -Water quantity -Water quality -Ecosystem services -Supporting spatial data These datasets are named „FEATURES DATASETS“

4 Location: MARS geodatabase on UL server ESRI GEODATABASE format: "MARS_Geodatabase_20150930.gdb" and MS ACCESS format: "MARS_Geodatabase_20150930_mdb" Documents: MARS_geodatabase_documentation_20150930.pdf MARS_geodatabase_model_documentation_20150930.pdf

5 MARS Geodatabase spatial extent (selected March 2015) Extent of CORINE land cover (green line) and 1st order catchments (grey lines): EU MS + WBs + Turkey Black Sea tributaries + Baltic Sea

6 Relating spatial objects and data from different DPSIR data sources ECRINS rivers („c-tr“ layer), ECRINS lakes and ECRINS FEC („c-zhyd“ layer) EUROSTAT data (drivers / pressures data) UWWTD data (drivers / pressures data) SoE water quality data, SoE and EWA water quantity data WFD data

7 Linkage of spatial objects River segments have an unique identifier „tr“ Main drains (more river objects!) in FEC and others rivers segments: To link river segments with FEC and its „Hinterland“ (all FECs in drainage areas): „tr“ linked to „zhyd“ Linkage of SoE monitoring stations with main drain: SOE water quality and SOE/EWA water quantity

8 ESRI GEODATABASE format: "MARS_Geodatabase_20150930.gdb

9 MARS Geodatabase in „gdb“

10 Data from EUROSTAT (mainly on agriculture) Farms Livestock Crops Irrigation FieldUnit H_beehivesnumber H_cattleheads H_dairy_cattleheads H_equidaeheads H_farms_lsnumber H_irr_areaha H_irr_volumem3 H_maize100_kg/ha H_oth_cattleheads H_oth_pigsheads H_pigsheads H_potatoes100_kg/ha H_poultry1000_heads H_rabbitsheads H_sheepheads H_sowsheads H_uaaha H_vineyards100_kg/ha H_wheat100_kg/ha Data by NUTS (0, 1, 2, 3 level) Transfered to FEC / Hinterland of a monitoring station

11 Features: RBD Subunits ("m_rbd_su"): all MARS extent area is divided into subunits applying WFD method (delineation of catchments inside countries)...areas outside EU-27 added to an official RBD layer

12 FEC and hinterland polygons data: Surface area Have (average altitude), Hmin, Hmax Average slope (%) Precipitation, Temperature (1950-2000) Population number, density Hydroecoregion, Bioregion, Ecoregion (FEC) Corine land cover (1st order) River Sthraler order (for main drain) River name (main drain) WFD WB - ID WFD ecological status Monitoring station ID on main drain Available water quality data (state) FieldDescriptionUnit Prefix Fdata applies to FEC Prefix Hdata applies to FEC Prefix Sstate WaterbaseIWISE SoE quality station ID trID of ECRINS river segment on which SoE quality station is located ZHYD_FECID of ECRINS FEC on which SoE quality station is located hinterlandDoes SoE quality staion have hinterland or not (YES/NO) zhyd_hinterlandID of hinterland of SoE quality station Hinterland_Area_km2Hinterland area in km2 strahlerStrahler order of tr where SoE quality staion is located SoE_RivMName of river WaterBody_IDWFD Water body ID WFD_ecol_stEcological station of river segment from WFD SoE_RiverDischRiver discharge (data from SoE quality database) DEM_altituAltitude of SoE quality station from DEM H_CLC1Agricultural areasShare of hinterland area H_CLC2Artificial surfacesShare of hinterland area H_CLC3Forest and semi natural areasShare of hinterland area H_CLC4Water bodiesShare of hinterland area H_CLC5WetlandsShare of hinterland area F_DEM_AAverage (mean) altitude derived from DMV[m a.s.l] F_DEM_MiMinimal altitude derived from DMV[m a.s.l] F_DEM_MxMaximal altitude derived from DMV[m a.s.l] F_SLOP_AAverage slope derived from DMV[percent reise] F_PON_A_WPopulation count of the World Version 3 (Wv3)-year 2000[people] F_POD_A_WPopulation density of the World Version 3 (Wv3)-year 2000[people/km2] F_POD_A_JRCPopulation density disaggregated with Corine land cover 2000-year 2000[people/km2] F_AR_km2Functional elementary cachment (FEC) area[m2] F_PRE_5000Average yearly precipitation for periode 1950-2000[mm/year] F_PRE1_5000Average january precipitation for periode 1950-2000[mm/month] F_PRE7_5000Average july precipitation for periode 1950-2000[mm/month] F_TEM_5000Average yearly precipitation for periode 1950-2000[°C] F_TEM1_5000Average january precipitation for periode 1950-2000[°C] F_TEM7_5000Average july precipitation for periode 1950-2000[°C] F_ECOR_IDEco regions ID (AREA_ID) 1-25Share of FEC area F_BIOR_IDBiogeographical regions ID (ABBRE)Share of FEC area F_HER_IDHydro eco region ID (HERCODE) - European Hydro-EcoregionsShare of FEC area

13 Features: watershed 6th Strahler order (similar to CCM2-WSO6) feature "m_fec_wso6"

14 MARS Geodatabase JRC multiple pressures October 2015 (JRC) _Indic _Indic From June 2015 (JRC): ators/ Pressure categoryJRC indicator Point source of pollution· Estimated point sources of nitrogen · Estimated point sources of phosphorus Diffuse source of pollution· Estimated emissions of nitrogen to surface water · Estimated emissions of phosphorus to surface water Water abstraction· Water abstractions · WEI Hydromorphological pressures· Density of infrastructures in riparian areas · % of catchment area intercepted by dams · Agriculture land cover in riparian areas · Artificial land cover in riparian areas · Agriculture land cover in catchment area · Artificial land cover in catchment area · Ratio of the width of existing riparian vegetation buffer to the width of the floodplain Saltwater intrusion· A fuzzy Ghyben-Herzberg saltwater wedge depth indicator accounting for groundwater recharge, coastal water salinity and distance from the coastline Invasive alien species· EASIN data is available from Water Exploitation Index + map (WEI+, based on net consumption) 2006 (excluding interbasin water transfers) Regional Water exploitation map (consumption) 2006 Annual water abstraction irrigation 2006

15 MARS Geodatabas e – Data model 1

16 MARS Geodatabas e – Data model 2

17 MARS Geodatabas e – Data model 3

18 MARS Geodatabase mapping and analysis: Analysis: Normalised pressure indicator values will be aggregated to form a (weighted) cumulative pressure index. Multi-pressure clustering and regression to identify areas of similar multi-pressure profiles across Europe. Investigating pressure correspondence with geo-climatic factors (using regional categorization).

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