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Instructional modifications for Second Language Learners HELPING STUDENTS HELP THEMSELVES.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional modifications for Second Language Learners HELPING STUDENTS HELP THEMSELVES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional modifications for Second Language Learners HELPING STUDENTS HELP THEMSELVES

2 1. Vocabulary  Specialized vocabulary should be selected and pre-taught.  Students should keep a personal glossary/ notebook of definitions.  Instruction should simplify the vocabulary.

3 Use visuals and supports  Models, toys, banners, flipcharts, presentations, video, posters, drawings, graphic organizers, flash cards, vocabulary lists  Provide hands-on activities, demonstrate don’t explain.

4 Instructions  Give clear instructions. Sequential and with visuals.  Reinforce oral instructions and give clear guidelines  Allow students time for questions and to process instructions.

5 Note taking / Review  Highlight key terms and concepts.  Use a chart or post in class key concepts for constant review  Provide notes and summaries for students to study and for reference

6 Language  Simplify language, avoid complex sentences or language  Pause often and raise voice to emphasize  Avoid “teacher talk”  Check for comprehension orally

7 Non-verbal cues  Use body language, gestures, facial expressions, mime, to convey meaning  Be aware that some “expression” may convey a negative meaning.  Provide concrete examples of concepts to students. Relate one thing to another.

8 Time management  Allow more time for student response. Students should prepare answers, brainstorm, in advance.  Give more time for projects, learning, completion of exercises.

9 Provide support  Dictionaries, online materials for review, simple encyclopedias, leveled reading, out of class tutoring/help, internet reference, parental help  Give more time for student face to face help in non-class time.  Work closely with student language instructors

10 Assessment / Testing  Test for content knowledge / ability NOT language ability.  Use more visuals, simplify the testing. Give tests orally for younger learners, lower levels.  Give more time to complete tests.

11 References English as a Second Language, Resource Guide K-8 (2001), Ontario Ministry of Education, Curriculum Guidelines. Pgs 16-20


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