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CCS FEEDBACK Assessment Programme – Semester 2 Programme – Semester 2.

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1 CCS FEEDBACK Assessment Programme – Semester 2 Programme – Semester 2

2 Building on Feedback  Download the Assessment Criteria   Under Stage 1, November 2006

3 Observations from tutors  The book – fast becoming outdated??  The Course Bibliography is great.   Under Oct 2006, Stage 1 Course Programme  Marks usuallly follow the same path as levels of participation in lectures and seminars  Lack of effort is a bigger sin than lack of understanding

4 Falling Behind ?  The downward spiral  CCS First Aid - Lesley Scott / Andrea Peach  GP20 – Lower floor, Portakabin, Gray’s  Ad Hoc Appointments List. Noticeboard to left of office door. Sign up.  Emails in Course Programme. EASY.

5 SECRETS Body swerving Writing Reading

6 Relatively high levels of dyslexia are widely accepted as characteristic of the student body in schools of art and design. The two key studies which provide sound research data to support this assertion are those by Steffert (1999) and Wolff and Lundberg (2002) available estimates of percentage levels seem to vary from c.10%+ (Brigden, 2001) of the art and design population to the much higher figure of c.30% (Steffert, 1999), dependent on the type and degree of dyslexia being measured.

7 If I can’t picture it, I can’t understand it – but I’m not stupid, stupid.

8 A slow reader with a poor memory for names and numbers?

9 Rhawm Joseph, 1992 The right brain and the unconscious  The right brain is associated with a mental state best described as awareness. Right brain awareness, as defined here is emotional, intuitive, visual-spatial, tactile, melodic, musical, artistic, pictorial, imaginal, geometric, gymnastic, environmental and non- linguistic.

10 Jane Graves  Do you think in 3 dimensions ?  Can you grasp ideas easily that you can’t explain in words ?  Do you think in images ?  Do you sometimes understand things without being able to explain how you got there?

11 linear / holistic  sequential  auditory  major language centre  bank managers  holistic  visual  minor language centre  artists

12 The Dyslexic Learning Style Charmaine McKissock, Student Advisor, The London Institute.

13 The Dyslexic Learning Style - McKissock  Holistic Thinking  Likes to consider the whole task and then tackle the parts  Can see different sides of a situation or task  Can see overall patterns and relationships  May need to break tasks into small steps to get round organisational difficulties  Original and lateral thinking and problem solving skills may be apparent

14 R. Riding. Cognitive Styles Analysis. 1991 Wholistic Analytic Imager Verbaliser

15 (Brainstorm – Writing Frames – Text) Writing Frame 4: Topic Grid Research Topic ……………………… Make a listAssociated words / descriptive words Possible Comparisons similarities Differences and contrasts My opinions Links with my studio practice? Questions I still have Key ideas and concepts Interesting practitioners (Artist / designers etc) Interesting works (Objects, images etc.) Interesting ideas from my research

16 Gateway to Online Questionnaires and Advice on applying your learning style Hyperlink: (See “Peter Honey” Cost: £10.00)

17 Help in-house/pre dyslexia screening CCS staff for directed reading, extensions, general advice Or you can call: Ruth Steele. Tel: 263089 (appointment with the dyslexia tutor, writing skills tutors)

18 Some helpful texts  Cottrell, Stella. The Study Skills Handbook. Second Edition. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2003 (written with dyslexia in mind)  Goldberg, Natalie. Writing Down the Bones. London: Shambhala, 1986 (fun book on creative writing)  Allen, Paul (ed). art, not chance: nine artist’s diaries. London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2001 (creative people using writing as an integral part of creating)

19 SEMESTER 2  Postmodernism  See for Programme. To be posted shortly. Download before Lecture 1  Monday 5 Jan. 12.00. 224 FOM

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