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Greg Contente & Ellie Wendell February 15 th, 2013 A grassroots perspective of how new technologies can boost global efforts in the 21 st century.

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Presentation on theme: "Greg Contente & Ellie Wendell February 15 th, 2013 A grassroots perspective of how new technologies can boost global efforts in the 21 st century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greg Contente & Ellie Wendell February 15 th, 2013 A grassroots perspective of how new technologies can boost global efforts in the 21 st century


3 Photo taken from HOK’s Urban Planning Blog

4 An Urban Planner takes knowledge of spatial economics and uses it to coordinate diverse stakeholders in a cohesive direction Bloustein Studio Work


6  Intellectual framework: Amartya Sen  Informs approach to planning  Delivery of basic services Capabilities Removal of ‘Unfreedoms’ Access Development Choice Sen, Amartya. Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1999






12 For more, please visit Architecture for Humanity’s Haiti webpage

13 For more, please visit Architecture for Humanity’s Haiti webpage


15 Availability of Reliable Data New and Expanding Markets Data and tools to run NGOs & small businesses in developing countries Informal settlements and informal economic activity Emerging global entrepreneurship class Difficulties in monitoring and evaluation Crowd sourcing Changes to behavior and accessibility of information

16 How can the international development industry use technology to scale localized efforts? How can planners navigate multiple disciplines and combine scattered efforts into one collaborative urban system? Photo: Atlas of Economic Complexity

17  How trends in international development are influencing the shape and connectivity of cities  Opportunities for planners and technologists to link grassroots service delivery efforts  Public participation

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