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MARK MORGAN SEPT 26 TH 2014 Surveys of Literacy Levels: Results and Implications.

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Presentation on theme: "MARK MORGAN SEPT 26 TH 2014 Surveys of Literacy Levels: Results and Implications."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARK MORGAN SEPT 26 TH 2014 Surveys of Literacy Levels: Results and Implications

2 Overview How international studies of literacy changed perceptions and definitions International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS): 1994 Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC): 2012 Possible Developments for Research

3 IALS Major innovations: Literacy levels Literacy domains: Prose, Document and Quantitative Literacy Canada, Germany, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, US Literacy practices and relationship to critical factors including level of education 25% at level 1!!!! Issue of response rates: Which direction is bias?

4 PIAAC Broader assessment: ‘Real world’ Literacy tasks ‘Real’ numeracy tasks: Graph showing births in the US every ten which decades was there a decline? Problem solving in context of technology. Example of websites and selection of the appropriate one and what information can be extracted

5 Literacy Results in PIAAC Ireland close to average of all countries Well behind Japan and Finland 17.9% at Level 1 But even at level 1, 95% of word meanings correct (vocabulary) Ireland significantly below international average on numeracy When PIAAC and IALS change

6 Influential Factors Gender: No significant differences or in other countries Contrast with school achievement and ‘reversal’ of gender effects…future Age: Dependent on when access improved Effects of age per se: Cognitive decline but effects of compensation and individual differences

7 Contd Adult education (low participation in Ireland in IALS) Related to literacy level…and in every country Findings from GUI….Holistic nature of development. Association of social-emotional development with learning and literacy Interaction with life-skills

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