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Manfred Fleischer, DESY, 5.11.15. HERA/H1 in 1985 (annual report)

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Presentation on theme: "Manfred Fleischer, DESY, 5.11.15. HERA/H1 in 1985 (annual report)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manfred Fleischer, DESY, 5.11.15

2 HERA/H1 in 1985 (annual report)

3 - studied physics in Hamburg (started in 1984) - two excited professors in 1985: - Erich Lohrman: „Ich habe heute in meinem Büro Musik gehört! Die HERA Tunnelbohrmaschine ist unter meinem Büro durchgekommen.“ - Hans Duhm: „Ich möchte ihnen heute einmal das HERA Projekt vorstellen“ (in the remaining 20 min of a lecture) - since 1989 on DESY campus: start of diploma thesis on BEMC calibration - Begin of January 1990: excited vistors of the BEMC Group Eisele, Feltesse and Oberlack  Uni HH (just 500 m away!) Message: The BEMC is definitely the most important component of the first years of H1 data taking.  complete redesign! But no increase of funding (1 Mio DM)  heavy work  testbeam in June 1990  very good cooperation with colleagues from Czechoslovakia (!)  transition to FH1K

4 After Diploma:  PhD Thesis as DESY student  PostDoc at DESY (securing BEMC running till end of 1994)  Calorimeter Coordination (MPI, charged to calo costs)  Switched to Dortmund (Calo+RACO)  TC Deputy (to Phil Biddulph)  Upgrade Coordination  Switch to … DESY directorate Education in H1 and training on the job have opened for many young scientists a carreer path! H1 was very successful in this! We urgently need statistics about this! It is THE asset of working in HEP! We need these arguments to secure Future funding – increasingly important Do not use – personal guess „MC“

5 As planned by the collaboration displayed for computing: Plan in 2008: „finish all analyses within 5 years“  H1 is like a marathon runner: economical in costs, but steadily moving (I hope the move to the bird cluster is accomplished.)

6 Data access + data preservation Continue Open Lab: Visits / Short term invitations possible and wellcome Main ingredients: Interest, priorities on topics, endurance Basis layed down as new agreement (to supersede the old one) Signed agreements so far arrived from: ANTW, BIRM, HDB1, JINR, MARS, ORSA, RAL, PODG, PRG2, SACL, ULBA, YERE, ZUER, ZUTH Feedback missing from: AAC1, BRUX, BUCH, CRAC, DORT, ECPL, KOSI, LANC, LIVE, QMWC, MEX1, ITEP, LPI, PRG1, SOFI, WUPP Late mailing: HAM2, INFN, MPIM

7 * Accelerators * Detectors * Physics ILC LHC HERA + support through strong theory group + computing infrastructure + testbeam & other infrastructures >Use of DESY infrastructure for particle physics  e.g. ALPS, OLYMPUS, Belle II, LHC upgrades … >Strategic role of DESY as national funded laboratory for particle physics

8 Det. + Acc. R&D

9 H1 has been a very successful experiment good detector + upgrades good technical and adminstrative staff good spirit in the collaboration good collaboration management good training bed for young scientists good opportunities for personal development  rich harvest – thanks to all scientists! … and still ongoing

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