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 After coming into class and quietly taking your seat, take out your World History Binder and turn to your Hey History! for today.

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3  After coming into class and quietly taking your seat, take out your World History Binder and turn to your Hey History! for today.

4  Topic: United We Stand?  On your own, take a minute to list as many factors that might unite a group of people and establish a nation.  In your groups, go around in a circle and have each person state one of their factors, but it has to be one that has not been said yet.  See who can be the last person to list an original factor.

5  What factors do you think may have pushed Italy and Germany toward Unification?  The French Revolution, a growing sense of nationalism, economic improvements, and the desire to gain power through expansion are only some of the causes of Unification!  But how did they do it?

6  Person A and B, you will get Italy!  Person C and D, you will get Germany!  Work together to use your textbook for determining the major events in each case that led to the Unification of each nation.  Once you have determined your events, place them in a sequence chart placing the events in order  Also, for each event, include a statement for how the event helped the nation move toward Unification.  After you have finished your nation, work with your table group to create a sequence chart for the other nation

7  Use the information you have gathered, and work with your table group to record defining facts about each person and event that led to the eventual Unification of each country.

8  Use what you have learned today to see if there is anything you can add to your Vocabulary Awareness Chart!

9  Similarities and differences between the unification process in Germany and Italy  Venn Diagram!

10  Read Chapter 16, sections 3-5


12  After coming into class and taking your seat quietly, take out your World History materials and turn to your Hey History! for the day.  Pick Up Box

13  Topic: Nationalism!! 1) Using your prior knowledge and critical thinking skills, come up with your best definition for nationalism. 2) Imagine that our school Haynes Academy was a nation of its own… what type of actions performed by your classmates could or would be considered as nationalism?

14  Nationalism refers to the devotion for one's own nation's interests over those of all other nations.  Nationalism in the 1800s in Europe was crucial to the development of prominent nations

15  Create a 2 column Chart on 2 pages…  (Tables 2-3) Austrian Empire: Revolt of 1848, Ethnic Problems, Compromise of 1867, Dual Monarchy;  (Tables 4-5) Ottoman Empire: decline of the Ottoman Empire by the 1800s, foreign influence in the Balkan area, Balkan Wars, and the Balkan League  (Tables 6-7) Russian Empire: Russification, Reforms of Alexander II, Pogroms, Russo-Japanese War, Revolution of 1905

16  Left Column: Name of Country, Name of each topic  Right column: Description of each topic  Leave some space between each topic, so you can add other information if necessary.

17  Rotating Discussion…  Once you rotate, share your description of the topics with your “new group members.”  Below the description for each topic, discuss with your group members how the topic led to the growth of nationalism. Record your response under the description.


19  Look at the maps of Europe in 1815 and Europe in 1915…  Write a summary of how the political boundaries in Europe changed between 1815 and 1914.  Also, indicate which changes you believe were the result of nationalism.


21  Skim over Chapter 17, look for words that are in your Vocabulary Awareness Chart  Add information from Chapter 17 into your Vocabulary Awareness Chart  Review/Complete Activities from this week if you haven’t already (if you don’t you may regret it)


23  After coming into class and taking your seat quietly, take out your World History materials, we will start class shortly.  But first…


25  Topic: What is Imperialism  Imperialism is when one country takes control of another country  Use your textbook (Chap. 17) or the Internet to research the political, economic, and cultural motives for imperialism of Africa and Asia…  Create a small chart to record your information (might have to use two Hey History rows).

26  Poem by Rudyard Kipling  According to Kipling, what made the "white man's burden" necessary? How were those individuals who "took up the burden" changed?

27  Each partnership or group of three will receive one of the following topics  Groups are to investigate the imperialist policies (1815-1914) of Europe by researching your assigned topic from the list below.  You’re looking for imperialistic policies, what may have caused those policies, and consequences of the policies.  You will present your research in the form of an informational poster.

28  Europe’s Race for Africa ○French in North Africa (Morocco, Tunis, & Algeria) ○British in North Africa (Suez Canal and Fashoda Crisis) ○Italy in North Africa ○Competition for West Africa ○Competition for Central and East Africa (King Leopold II, Stanley and Livingstone) ○Competition for Southern Africa (Cecil Rhodes and Boer War)  Europe’s Race for Asia ○British East India Company (Sepoy Rebellion of 1857) ○French Indo-China ○Dutch East Indies ○Spheres of influence in China ○Opium War and Hong Kong

29  Is the policy of imperialism is ever justified.


31  Finish Classwork


33  After coming into class and taking your seat quietly, take out your World History materials and turn to the tests and quizzes section.


35  What is Imperialism? ◦ Imperialism is when one country takes control of another country  Driving forces behind Imperialism? ◦ The strength of modern nations ◦ Started as merchants moving to new areas -> then engineers and builders come -> area would be developed for the good of the Europeans, natives have very little say

36  Economic Motives? Cultural Motives?  Economically: ◦ Industrialization ◦ New technology, need for new markets ◦ Industrialists wanted to control their products ◦ Spreading populations  Culturally: ◦ “The White Man’s Burden” ◦ Christian missionaries – knowledge of medicine, hygiene, and sanitation spread with missionaries

37  Informational Posters…  What was the imperialistic policy, cause of policy, and consequence?

38  Competition for Central and East Africa ◦ King Leopold II of Belgium wanted to get as much wealth as possible, so he carved out a personal colony of 900,000 square miles in central Africa ◦ Interest in the area came after Henry Stanley was hired to find a missionary named Dr. David Livingstone ◦ Led to widespread abuse of the colony by the Belgium Govt.

39  Competition for Southern Africa ◦ Dutch Settlers founded Cape Town as a supply station for ships sailing to East Indies; colony seized by British in 1800s, causing mass migrations by group of Dutch called the Boers ◦ British groups led by Cecil Rhodes led movement inland to acquire more land, caused great hostility b/w British and Boers ◦ Led to Boer War in 1899. Boers eventually defeated, forced to obey British policies

40  Opium War and Hong Kong ◦ British and Chinese fought a series of wars, known as the Opium Wars. Hong Kong was ceded to the British in 1841ending the First Opium War ◦ Britain invaded China to crush opposition to its interference in the country’s economic and political affairs. ◦ Britain’s new colony flourished as an East-West trading center, Hong Kong returned to Chinese in 1997


42  Study each of the cartoons having to do with “The White Man’s Burden” and “The Scramble for Africa”  Discuss with your group the possible meaning behind each cartoon, and then write a short paragraph explaining your interpretation of the cartoons.  You should also indicate whether the cartoons expresses pro-imperialistic or anti- imperialistic sentiments.

43  Policy review… Hey History!  Use your textbook to determine information about the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary  record a brief description of each policy in your Hey History!  What is the function of the policies? How are they similar, different?

44  You will receive an outline map of the Pacific Region and of Latin America  Label and identify American possessions in the Pacific and selected Latin American nations from the map list onto the outline maps.  Work with your groups to ensure the accuracy of each person’s maps.


46  Start to study class materials for Unification, Nationalism, and Imperialism  Test on Friday!

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