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12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E EFIS is a study carried out by EFI consortium for the JRC in support to the regulation on the.

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1 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E EFIS is a study carried out by EFI consortium for the JRC in support to the regulation on the European Forest Information and Communication System (EFICS) January 2001- March 2002 EFI, GMD GmbH, TU Dresden and UNEP/WCMC

2 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E General goals of the EFIS project  To elaborate a platform independent, effective resource discovery system for retrieving standardised metadata information  To develop a system for retrieving data from distributed databases, processing and presenting the extracted data using tools which allow the user groups to easily tailor-make products based on forest statistical data and/or EO data  A working prototype - EFIS

3 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E On-going activities JRC activities: I-TFIS: Prototype of Internet Tropical Forest Information System, FISE: Prototype of Forest Information Search Engine, The GI-GIS project  The Open GIS-Consortium, OGC  Intelligent Mapping and Visual Data Exploration in the WWW (Internet Descartes)  CommonGIS  Activities as of combining forest statistics and EO information  European Environment Information and Observation NETwork (EIONET) of EEA  Catalogue of Data Sources (CDS)  IUFRO Global Forest Information Service (GFIS)  etc.

4 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E EFIS system will:  be platform independent  allow the user to search relevant sources via a resource discovery system using internationally accepted metadata standards (Resource discovery)  allow to define the geographical area of interest and desired forest attributes (User defined search)  allow to extract desired data based on the concept of distributed databases (Actual data retrieval)  give the user the possibility to process retrieved data e.g. statistical data, geo referenced information also allowing to combine different types of data sets (Data processing)  allow to produce high quality output products (Tailor made, high quality products).

5 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E Logical steps toward the goal Defining the ultimate goal: EFICS Building the EFICS prototype:EFIS How far is the prototype from the goal ? Recommendations for future development

6 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E A metadata example using the 15 Dublin Core metadata fields (1-8) TitleCreatorSubjectDescriptionPublisherContributor NameType ofContact information Forest Products Database (FAOSTAT) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (in collaboration with ECE) Autonomous Agency of the United Nations Publications and Information Coordinator, Forestry Department, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome, Italy, Tel +39-06- 57054778, Fax +39-06- 57052151, E-mail: Forestry- Production and trade of forest products Annual data on the production and trade in forest products: roundwood, sawnwood, wood- based panels, pulp, paper&paperboard Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; ECE

7 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E A metadata example using the 15 Dublin Core metadata fields (9-13)

8 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E A metadata example using the 15 Dublin Core metadata fields (14-15)

9 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E Dublin Core element 3 - 'Subject’ Keyword lists Comparison of the keywords used in the Cab Thesaurus and in IUFRO AgroVoc (EFIS-project)

10 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E Keyword list ‘Forest Resources’ (1) (EFIS-project)

11 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E Keyword list forest resources (2) (EFIS-project)

12 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E Quality statement - a suggestion ‘Quality Statement’ for each data set 1) revisit / re-measurement of % sample plots in the field yes no 2) Sampling error assessed yes no 3) Other (please describe)____________________ 4) Definitions

13 12/19/2015 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E EFIS will be a benchmark towards better access to information on forests in Europe global forest information sharing

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