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Espionage and the Red Scare Cold War. Steps to ensure loyalty Loyalty Review Board: Federal Employee Loyalty Program Investigated 3.2 million, dismissed.

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Presentation on theme: "Espionage and the Red Scare Cold War. Steps to ensure loyalty Loyalty Review Board: Federal Employee Loyalty Program Investigated 3.2 million, dismissed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Espionage and the Red Scare Cold War

2 Steps to ensure loyalty Loyalty Review Board: Federal Employee Loyalty Program Investigated 3.2 million, dismissed 212 HUAC: House Un-American Activities Commiittee, subpoenad 43 witnesses from Hollwood. Many supported the assertion that Communists had infiltrated film.

3 Gary Cooper SMITH: During the time that you have been in Hollywood, have you ever observed any communistic influence in Hollywood or in the motion picture industry? COOPER: I believe I have noticed some. SMITH: What do you believe the principle medium is that they use (in) Hollywood or the industry to inject propaganda? COOPER: Well, I believe it is done through word of mouth...

4 Gary Cooper SMITH: Can you tell us some of the statements that you may have heard at these gatherings that you believe are communistic? COOPER: Well, I have heard quite a few, I think, from time to time over the years. Well, I have heard tossed around such statements as, "Don't you think the Constitution of the United States is about a 150 years out of date?" and -- oh, I don't know -- I have heard people mention that, well, "Perhaps this would be a more efficient government without a Congress" -- which statements I think are very un-American.

5 SMITH: Mr. Cooper, have you ever had any personal experience where you feel the Communist Party may have attempted to use you? COOPER: They haven't attempted to use me, I don't think, because, apparently they know that I am not very sympathetic to communism. Several years ago, when communism was more of a social chit-chatter in parties for offices, and so on when communism didn't have the implications that it has now, discussion of communism was more open and I remember hearing statements from some folks to the effect that the communistic system had a great many features that were desirable.

6 Spy Cases Stun the Nation

7 Alger Hiss Accused of espionage by Whittaker Chambers a former communist spy. The case saw Nixon rise to prominence as the Hiss case drew national attention. Hiss was arrested on perjury and served 44 months in prison. His life largely destroyed by the episode.

8 The Rosenberg's Jewish communists who held radical beliefs. Pleaded fifth in their espionage trial. Executed for treason. Posthumous evidence supported conviction.

9 Soviet Union Detonates Bomb Spy who worked as an engineer at Los Alamos. Sold nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union that allowed them to detonate their atomic bomb.

10 McCarthyism “Witch hunt” Motivated the writing of Arthur Miller’s Crucible. Appleton Native Goal: Root out communism from American Society. “Good Night and Good Luck”

11 McCarthyism in Perspective



14 Thought Questions` Why did the Republican Party support the McCarthy trials? What factors saw them turn on McCarthy in 1954? How is the event similar to the Salem Witch Trials?

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