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Introduction to Scientific Computing II Overview Michael Bader.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Scientific Computing II Overview Michael Bader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Scientific Computing II Overview Michael Bader

2 Recall: Scientific Computing “Pipeline”

3 Topic #1 – SLE (numerical treatment, implementation) ???

4 Topic #2 – Molecular Dynamics (entire pipeline for one application)

5 Prerequisites discretisation of PDEs linear algebra Gaussian elimination basics on iterative solvers Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR, MG matlab

6 Organization lecture (90 min/week) –theory –methods –simple examples tutorials (45 min/week) –more examples –make your own experiences

7 What Determines the Grading? written exam at the end of the semester no weighting of tutorials however: solving tutorials is essential -for understanding and remembering subjects -for your success in the exam

8 Course Material slides (short, only headwords) exercise sheets  make your own lecture notes!  find your own solutions!  solutions presented in the tutorials

9 Contact for questions contact us after the lectures or fix a date per email Michael Bader: Wolfgang Eckhardt:

10 Introduction to Scientific Computing II From Gaussian Elimination to Multigrid – A Recapitulation

11 What’s the Problem to be Solved? Finite Elements Finite Differences (Finite Volumes) Scientific Computing I Numerical Programming II Systems of linear equations Application Scenario Modelling Scientific Computing I Partial Differential Equations LU, Richardson, Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR, MG Scientific Computing I, Scientific Computing Lab, Numerical Programming I More on this!!!

12 two-dimensional Poisson equation  heat equation  diffusion  membranes  … Example Equation v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v grid + finite differences

13 Typical SLE sparse band structure

14 Example

15 Gaussian Elimination (LU)









24 Gaussian Elimination – Costs Storage: (for an n-by-n grid) matrix has N = n 2 rows in L and U: n new non-zeros per row therefore: O(Nn) = O(n 3 ) bytes In 3D: N = n 3 rows, n 2 new non-zeros therefore: O(Nn 2 ) = O(n 5 ) bytes

25 Gaussian Elimination – Costs Operations: matrix has N = n 2 rows for each row, eliminate n non-zeros in column below addition of rows requ. O(n) operations therefore: O(Nn 2 ) = O(n 4 ) operations In 3D: N = n 3 rows, n 2 new non-zeros therefore: O(Nn 4 ) = O(n 7 ) operations

26 Gaussian Elimination – Costs Storage: (for an n-by-n grid) 2D: O(Nn) = O(n 3 ) bytes 3D: O(Nn 2 ) = O(n 5 ) bytes Computation: 2D: O(Nn 2 ) = O(n 4 ) operations 3D: O(Nn 4 ) = O(n 7 ) operations Even for problems of modest size (n = 100-1000)  Gaussian Elimination is unfeasible

27 Iterative Solvers – Principle series of approximations  costs per iteration?  convergence?  stopping criterion?

28 Relaxation Methods problem: order an amount of peas on a straight line (corresponds to solving u xx =0)

29 Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours

30 Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

31 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

32 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

33 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

34 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

35 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

36 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

37 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

38 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

39 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

40 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

41 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

42 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

43 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

44 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

45 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

46 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

47 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

48 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

49 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

50 sequentially place peas on the line between two neighbours we get a smooth curve instead of a straight line  global error is locally (almost) invisible Relaxation Methods – Gauss-Seidel

51 Relaxation Methods problem: order an amount of peas on a straight line (corresponds to solving u xx =0)

52 Relaxation Methods – Jacobi place peas on the line between two neighbours in parallel

53 Relaxation Methods – Jacobi place peas on the line between two neighbours in parallel

54 Relaxation Methods – Jacobi place peas on the line between two neighbours in parallel

55 Relaxation Methods – Jacobi place peas on the line between two neighbours in parallel we get a high plus a low frequency oscillation  these fequencies are locally (almost) invisible

56 Relaxation Methods problem: order an amount of peas on a straight line (corresponds to solving u xx =0)

57 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

58 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

59 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

60 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

61 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

62 Relaxation Methods – SOR

63 sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

64 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

65 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

66 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

67 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

68 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

69 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

70 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

71 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

72 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

73 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

74 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

75 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

76 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

77 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

78 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours

79 Relaxation Methods – SOR sequentially correct location of peas a little more than to the line between two neighbours better than GS and J, but still not optimal

80 Relaxation Methods problem: order an amount of peas on a straight line (corresponds to solving u xx =0)

81 Relaxation Methods – Hierarchical place peas on the line between two neighbours in parallel, but in a hierarchical way from coarse to smooth

82 Relaxation Methods – Hierarchical place peas on the line between two neighbours in parallel, but in a hierarchical way from coarse to smooth

83 Relaxation Methods – Hierarchical place peas on the line between two neighbours in parallel, but in a hierarchical way from coarse to smooth

84 Relaxation Methods – Hierarchical place peas on the line between two neighbours in parallel, but in a hierarchical way from coarse to smooth exact solution in one step  unfortunately only in 1D, 2D and 3D: multigrid

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