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TeL-vision 23/03/15 David White – Head of Technology Enhanced Learning CLTAD

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Presentation on theme: "TeL-vision 23/03/15 David White – Head of Technology Enhanced Learning CLTAD"— Presentation transcript:

1 TeL-vision 23/03/15 David White – Head of Technology Enhanced Learning CLTAD

2 CLTAD activity - 11:35 Framing TeL- 11:45 Priorities activity - 12:20 Lunch- 12:35 TeL activities- 12:50


4 Moodle: infrastructure upgrade to a new version interface improvements guides

5 Working closely with IT - stability VLE/TeL Co-ordinators “The Digital Student Experience” report Service roadmaps – eLearning blog

6 Technical solutions or Learning and teaching aspirations

7 Dean’s Forum – Autumn 2014 “The steps taken by some colleges to increase both student and staff knowledge and confidence with Moodle was very much welcomed by reps who explained that Moodle has potential to be a great learning resource but currently levels of understanding on how to fully utilise it remain low.”

8 Post-digital speech – Nigel Carrington, Nov 2014. “UAL is currently educating students in the use of digital as a normal part of their approach to art, design, communication and the creative life. This has nothing to do with the now-discredited idea of digital natives. It has everything to do with the power of well- directed education.”

9 Post-digital speech – Nigel Carrington, Nov 2014. “I don’t wish to paint an unrealistic picture of UAL’s achievements in this area. There is of course still a cultural gap in some areas. Some people – and yes, disciplines – have yet to understand the relevance of digital technology. Some portfolios are less adapted to digital. We know we have more to do in these areas.”

10 E-Learning at University of the Arts London “I think having some definitions of that, going beyond the tools and going into the white space of it is something that would be really useful to talk about and formalizing that as part of our review so that we can think about a unit or a certain kind of method of delivery…” Programme Director

11 Framing TeL: “ 3 boxes” - UAL “4 Es” - Leeds Beckett






17 CC:

18 Course vs Individual


20 4E Framework – Leeds Beckett University What can technology “enable” us to do? How can technology “enhance” what we already do? How can technology “enrich” our learning experiences? How can technology “empower” learners and teachers?

21 Workflow enables: curation of visual and other resources + group work enhances: visibility/sharing of work enriches: reflection and collaboration empower: promotes student practice and increases confidence

22 Activity “Choose 3”

23 Thanks

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