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Meet Wet Willie Created by: Emily Almon, Breona Brown, Cambrie Barnard, Logan Burkhalter, and Jameson Clancy.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet Wet Willie Created by: Emily Almon, Breona Brown, Cambrie Barnard, Logan Burkhalter, and Jameson Clancy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet Wet Willie Created by: Emily Almon, Breona Brown, Cambrie Barnard, Logan Burkhalter, and Jameson Clancy

2 Introducing Wet Willie Designed by; Breona, Emily, Cambrie, Logan, Jameson. Size: 2 feet Features: 2 arms, 6 tentacles, squid launcher, 16 extendable eyes, 2 jets packs, and 2 ink sacks

3 The problems we’re noticing are too many sea turtles and dolphins are getting caught in nets. Also, people are overfishing in certain areas and different species are becoming endangered. Moreover, beaches are not safe for young children. There are strong tides and very little lifeguards. Kids are drowning. The Problems We’re Noticing…

4 Our solution to the problem Is we can send out our robot Wet Willie. He has sensors to detect which species are becoming endangered and can send this information to wildlife and fishery services, They will stop the overfishing problem. Also, he can cut through nets to rescue trapped turtles and dolphins, detect children’s screams, and quickly reach where they are in high waters, taking them to safety. Wet Willie can even perform CPR if necessary. Our Solution to the Problem…

5 The tentacles are used to move swiftly through the water. The arms are for rescuing drowning children and for cutting fishers’ nets. The squid launcher is for hurting sharks that go for the drowning children. The extendable eyes allow him to see in all directions when looking for the kids drowning. The jet packs are for moving even more swiftly in the water. The ink sacks are for blinding sea creatures who may try to eat the drowning people. Last, we taught him karate. Advantages Of Wet Willie

6 Summary Of Our Design As we mentioned, our problem is unsafe beaches and overfishing. There is an increased number of kids drowning and sea turtles and dolphins trapped in fisher’s nets. However, our robot Wet Willie can solve the problem. He can rescue both children and animals. This invention will appear in stores near you on June 19, 2021.

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