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Published byMargaret Roberts Modified over 9 years ago
18.11.09 Kenya Roadmap to Achieve 31.12.2010 RBM Targets September 2009 – December 2010
18.11.09 Country Summary InterventionNeed to 2010Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end 2010 Gap LLINs13,797,115 Nets5,685,2172,756,14711,040,968 ACTs 21,932,875 Doses 19,000,000 (14.2m by GF, 4.8m by PMI) 2,932,875 IRS 2,785,511HH52,484 HH2,733,027 HH RDTs 4,487,220 Tests 340128,000 tests GF4,359,220 IPTp12,418,329 Tablets 0 Quinine23,457,476 Tablets 0 Population at risk: (27m in 2010)
18.11.09 Country Summary -2. Population at risk: (27m in 2010) InterventionNeed to 2010Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end 2010 Gap M&E $ 23,711,825 (6% of total budget) GF= 569,500 PMI= 375,000 22,767,325 BCC/IEC $ 8,210,432 1m GF=686,0007,524,432 Human Resources (Capacity Bldg) $ 2,597,715 - Others: Service Delivery
18.11.09 LLIN resources available to achieve the 2010 targets FUNDS AVAILABLE (US $) SOURCECOMMENT Mechanism and when AvailableTotal NeedGap 1,000,000 500,000 GFIV WB Routine through ANC and CWC 2009 Routine for HIV +ve 2009 1,500,0002,724,2011,224,201 1,000,000 600,000 2,700,000 GFIV PMI DFID Routine through ANC and CWC 2010 Routine as above 2010 Routine 4,300,00011,948,3449192197* 2,824,551DFIDRoutine 20112824,5514,673,3221,848,771 7,624,551TOTAL 8,624,55119,355,86712,265,169
18.11.09 LLIN Ordering & Distribution to end 2010 QuantitiesUnknown Procurement datesUnknown Expected deliveryUnknown Campaign DateOn going for the routine nets BCC Community mobilizationFor routine nets ongoing DistributionCampaign: Fixed point of pre-registered Households, Routine: through Antenatal clinics (ANC) and Child Welfare Clinics (CWC) Mechanisms of distributionRoutine through HMIS. Campaign through campaign tools with a post evaluation. Monitoring and evaluationUnknown
18.11.09 Case management (ACTs) ACTs requiredRequirements for 09/10 is 27,237,339 Stock on hand 5,294,464 Needs 21,932,875 Procurement schedules (ACTs) Oct 2009 4,800,000 (PMI) 2010 14,200,000 (G.F.) BCC On-going Mechanisms of distribution HF treatment (Public and Mission) Drug Efficacy Monitoring 2009: ongoing Monitoring and evaluation 2010: HF Assessment conducted Bi annually
18.11.09 ACTs resources available to achieve the 2010 targets ACT dosesSOURCECOMMENT whenAvailableTotal NeedGap 4,800,000President ’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Oct 20094,800,000 - 14,200,000Global Fund 201014,200,00017,132,8752,932875
18.11.09 Case management (Parasite based diagnosis) Microscopy 100 microscopes RDTs required 4,487,220 tests Procurement schedules (RDTs) Training 1,045 Participants on QA/QC for microscopy, Refresher training for RDT use, Policy development ongoing BCC On-going Mechanisms of distribution To Health Facilities Drug Efficacy Monitoring/Quality Assurance Quarterly QC/QA Monitoring and evaluation Roll -out pilot survey for RDT Evaluation of Adherence to SOPs in Diagnostics
18.11.09 RDT resources available to achieve the 2010 targets FUNDS AVAILABLE (US $)SOURCECOMMENT 128,000GF Rnd IV Phase II Procurement in process.
18.11.09 IRS resources available to achieve the 2010 targets FUNDS AVAILABLE (US $)SOURCECOMMENT 2,872,977 GFWorkplan for Rnd IV Phase II Year 4 for commodities and operational costs 7,000,000PMITotal PMI support about 40m and assumming 30% is dedicated to IRS for commodities and Operational cost
18.11.09 BCC resources available to achieve the 2010 targets FUNDS AVAILABLE (US $)SOURCECOMMENT AvailableTotal NeedGap 686,000GF Rnd IV Phase II 686,000 8,210,4327,524,432
18.11.09 IPTp resources available to achieve the 2010 targets FUNDS AVAILABLE (US $)SOURCECOMMENT PMIAPHIA, JHPIEGO DFIDWHO
18.11.09 Intermittent Preventive Therapy : SP doses required4,139,443 Procurement schedulesKEMSA DistributionMalaria endemic areas (Nyanza, Coast, Western) TrainingTraining targeting ANC staff BCCPSI Monitoring and evaluation Central, Provincial, District levels
18.11.09 Other core interventions to be delivered over the next 14 months HSS issues: –Improving utilization of ANC services –Recruiting and training community health workers –Community systems strengthening –Expand HR capacity Recruitment at all levels TAs from Partners and Private-Publication Partnership –Coordination:
18.11.09 Challenges Delayed disbursement of Global Fund Round IV phase 2 Rejection of Global Fund Round 9 proposal Consequences of above: –Impending ACT stock out from Dec 2009 –No universal coverage by LLINs –Failure to achieve country RBM targets
18.11.09 Summary of rate-limiting factors over the next 14 months Funding gap for commodities –LLINs –IRS –RDTs –IEC/BCC –M&E Procurement bottlenecks –Long processes, –Delayed disbursements from Global Funds Human resource needs –M&E –Logistics –Planning and coordination
18.11.09 Summary of technical assistance needs to end 2010 NeedFrom whom Technical support for the development of standardized curriculum for laboratory staff WHO/PMI Technical support for the development of malaria laboratory QA and QC WHO/PMI Technical support for the development of central malaria reference laboratory WHO/PMI Technical support for the development/review of laboratory diagnostic guidelines WHO/PMI
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