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Key Individuals. Giuseppe Mazzini  Born in Genoa  Studied to be a lawyer  Became member of the Carbonari in 1827  Led failed attempts at revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Individuals. Giuseppe Mazzini  Born in Genoa  Studied to be a lawyer  Became member of the Carbonari in 1827  Led failed attempts at revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Individuals

2 Giuseppe Mazzini  Born in Genoa  Studied to be a lawyer  Became member of the Carbonari in 1827  Led failed attempts at revolution during the 1830s  Founded ‘Young Italy’  Elected to the Triumvirate in 1849  Criticised new Italian state after 1870

3 What were Mazzini’s aims? Encouraged people to see themselves as part of a nation Wanted democratic independent Italian Republic Had concept of ‘Third Rome’ – a civilising influence on the world

4 What were Mazzini’s methods? ‘Education and revolution’ Sought support from young educated m/class Italian people to drive the Austrians out Hoped that publicity and propaganda would create revolutionary class Constitutional monarchies seen as stop-gap only

5 How big an impact did Mazzini have on the Unification of Italy?  Gave encouragement to Italian patriotism  Presented new view of Italy  Inspired Garibaldi to join movement  Helped to win international publicity for Italian freedom. Defence of Rome in 1849 was heroic failure  By his actions put pressure on Cavour and others to act more positively

6 How successful was Mazzini?  Had little practical experience  Overestimated level of support – ignored problems of the peasants  Support was limited – used Carbonari methods  All his plots failed!  Some middle class alienated by his revolutionary stance  Made no attempt to win support from peasants and town workers

7 Mazzini’s verdict on Italy, 1871  Italian territory under foreign control  Foreigners had played too important a role in unification  Unhappy with new constitution

8 Count Emilio Cavour  Member of Piedmontese ruling class  Great admirer of British system of government  Initially aimed at expanding Piedmont rather than uniting Italy

9 Cavour – Foreign Policy  Aware of shortcomings of ‘Italia fara da se’  Aimed to move Austrians out of Lombardy & Venetia  As PM had considerable control over foreign policy  1854 – outbreak of Crimean War: Britain & France vs Russia  15,000 troops sent to support France & GB

10 Cavour and the Crimean War  Some doubt over motivation but perhaps aimed to gain support from GB & France  Troops played only minor role but did win respect & gratitude from allies  Congress of Paris (1856) dealt with peace negotiations  Cavour not directly involved in talks

11 Cavour wins support  Foreign support & diplomacy seen as main successes  Also important was link with National Society  Number of its leaders beginning to accept Piedmont as focus for unification  Cavour now looked to France for help against Austria

12 Napoleon III and Italian Unity  Former member of the Carbonari  His troops had crushed Roman Republic in 1849  Had his own reasons for aiding Piedmont  Probably favoured federation headed by Pope

13 The Orsini Bomb Plot!  In January 1848 Felice Orsini attempted to assassinate Napoleon III  Hoped that this would aid Italian unity  Did spur Napoleon III into action  Agreement made via Compact of Plombieres

14 War with Austria  1859 War provoked with Austria  French (with limited help from Piedmont) won 2 closely fought victories  Austria on brink of surrender  Napoleon III now pulled put of the war – Truce of Villafranca!  Cavour was furious – resigned as PM

15 Cavour and Garibaldi  Garibaldi raised volunteers to fight for Savoy  Instead went to Sicily  Cavour not happy – feared consequences of Garibaldi’s actions  Was torn between trying to stop Garibaldi and offering support  Attempts to stop him failed!

16 Cavour and the Papal States  Biggest problem for Cavour was fear of French or Austrian intervention  To forestall Garibaldi marching on Rome Cavour sent troops into the Papal States  Piedmontese troops successful but did not receive the same level of support as Garibaldi’s men  By end of 1861 Victor Emmanuel acclaimed first King of Italy  Cavour died end of 1861

17 Giuseppe Garibaldi  Great romantic figure of the Risorgimento  Charismatic guerrilla leader  Had distinguished himself in the defence of Rome  Was a follower of Mazzini

18 Garibaldi & the campaign of 1861  Hi-jacked the popular revolt in Sicily  Used great cunning to gain control of the island  His ‘1000 Red Shirts’ gained more and more support  Had more problems on the mainland but was successful in defeating King of Naples  Handed his conquests over to VE II

19 Italy 1861-1870  Kingdom of Italy declared – Victor Emmanuel II ‘by the grace of God and the rule of the people’  First parliament met in Turin, March 1861  1866 VE II anxious to prove Italian military prowess  2 shattering defeats followed – no support from Venetians!

20 Italy 1861-1870 (2)  Venetia occupied after Austrian defeat – voted to join with Italy  Garibaldi made 2 failed attempts to seize Rome (1862, 1867) – little support from the Romans  1870 Franco-Prussian War saw withdrawal of French garrison  Pius XI soon withdrew to the Vatican

21 How united was Italy by 1870?  Bad relations with the Papacy  Lack of common language  Spread of Piedmontese constitution caused conflict  Franchise restricted – ½ million/22 million  Liberal aims had little in common with peasantry  Severe economic problems  ‘Brigands’ War’ in the South for many years  Political system did not develop well

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