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Ry Potter The House Plan…Yes, Like Harry Potter! Fian Kunesh, Pattie Niese, Amy Ameter, Emily Whittaker, Andrea Manfresca, Laurel Murphy, Dottie Flanagan.

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Presentation on theme: "Ry Potter The House Plan…Yes, Like Harry Potter! Fian Kunesh, Pattie Niese, Amy Ameter, Emily Whittaker, Andrea Manfresca, Laurel Murphy, Dottie Flanagan."— Presentation transcript:

1 ry Potter The House Plan…Yes, Like Harry Potter! Fian Kunesh, Pattie Niese, Amy Ameter, Emily Whittaker, Andrea Manfresca, Laurel Murphy, Dottie Flanagan Dominion Middle School 330 East Dominion Blvd. Columbus, Ohio 43214 614-365-6020

2 Who Are We? Dorothy Flanagan, Principal Amy Ameter, 6 th Grade Social Studies Fian Kunesh, 8 th Grade ELA Pattie Niese, 7 th Grade ELA Andrea Manfresca, 6-8 th Inclusion Specialist Laurel Murphy, 8 th Grade Reading, Math Emily Whittaker, 6-8 th Drama

3 What does the research say? “Broadly defined, advisory programs are configurations in which an adult advisor meets regularly during the school day with a group of students to provide academic and social- emotional mentorship and support, to create personalization within the school, and to facilitate a small peer community of learners (Cushman, 1990; Galassi et al., 2004; Galassi et al., 1997; Juvonen et al., 2004; National Association of Secondary School Principals, 2006; Stevenson, 1998).” Foote, J. & Brody-Shulkind, S. (September 2009). Creating a Culture of Connectedness through Middle School Advisory Programs. “Advisory programs promote students feeling “connected” to responsible and caring adults. They can become a platform for personalized and meaningful social, emotional and civic learning.” Center for Social and Emotional Education

4 What’s in it for you? During this presentation, you will learn: Why to develop and advisor-advisee How to set up your advisory program How to group students within four houses How to incentive positive student behavior How to positively impact school climate and teacher morale through Fantastic Fridays

5 CHALLENGING YEAR What can we do to improve the climate in our school? Road Trip!!!

6 WHAT NEXT? Before Summer: Getting buy-in from our colleagues and leadership During the Summer: Decisions, Decisions How many houses? Grade level for houses? Multi grades or single? What names? How do we do small groups? How do we celebrate our children?

7 What are the components of the “House Plan”? Sorting Students Small Group Fantastic Friday House Points

8 HOUSE NAMES Corragio: Italian for Courage Animo: Spanish for Verve Jishuku: Japanese for Self-Control Maarifa: Swahili for Knowledge

9 How Do You Assign Students to Houses?

10 HouseLastNameFirstNameHomeroomGradeSmall GroupRm # MaarifaAJavon2097Windle213 JishukuBCole2126Kendig200b CoraggioCFatah1108Niese103 JishukuDIsho2108Patterson115 CoraggioEAnna1037Priebe208 MaarifaFCameron2076Welshgym AnimoGZachary2126Swift206 JishukuHArmael1017Walker111c CoraggioIJalen2147Hooper111a AnimoJSarah2137Hysell102 AnimoKAmina1046Skoncafé MaarifaLAnnas2137Staten201a MaarifaMOmolkar1168Dycecafé CoraggioNCurtis1148Manfresca211 MaarifaOSamantha2126Crowley209 JishukuPJonathon2108Wodkowskilibrary MaarifaQDwann2076Dycecafé

11 What is This “Fantastic Friday”? Video clip inserted

12 Fantastic Friday Monthly battle between houses Reward for following school rules and/or meeting academic expectations for established that month by Building Leadership Team. Winner for the month comes from total points earned plus points accrued during Fantastic Friday. Chance for staff and students to show their colors and compete in teams and release monthly stress.

13 What Happens in Small Groups?

14 ORGANIZE BY CHARACTER TRAIT AND MONTH September: Prepared October: Respectful November/December: Integrity January: Determination February: Educated March: Diligence April: Honesty May: Courage

15 SAMPLE MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER: PREPARED Small group time is 20 minutes weekly on Wednesdays Week One: meet as whole school in auditorium, introduce the character trait with a video Week Two: meet as small group, prepare for group friendships by interviewing someone in another grade and introducing the person to the group Week Three: meet as small group to do activity on being prepared for the zombie apocalypse Week Four: meet as whole house in the gym doing relays doing group competitions that emphasize preparation ex. Line up by birthday silently

16 CREATING THE SMALL GROUP CURRICULUM At an end-of-summer staff meeting, we randomly assigned teachers to groups, assigned each group to a month and a trait, and asked teachers to take an hour to create the curriculum for the month. We gave them the guidelines of choosing one video and then three other activities that would help build relationships and teach the character trait for that month. We then compiled each month’s plans into a booklet that each teacher received by mid-September.

17 PBIS CONNECTION TO THE HOUSE PLAN….. Adopted by the Ohio State Board of Education in January 2013. All schools in Ohio MUST have PBIS in place. Framework for identifying systematic strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes in school while preventing problem behavior. Dominion Blue Devils are PRIDE Prepared…Respectful…Integrity…Dedicated…Educated


19 Teachers are encouraged to give ten points weekly. Points are given to students for exemplary behavior, exhibiting PRIDE in our school (in accordance with PBIS), improved academics, and/or kindness toward others. We have had to adjust this plan over the three years, as we realized points were being given to the same students, and many weren’t receiving points at all. The point sheets have two parts: one part the student turns in to the house boxes in order to contribute to the whole house point tally. The other part the student keeps to redeem for prizes from our display case. MANAGING POINTS

20 “SHOPPING IN THE SHOWCASE” Students insert the small end of their house point in their House box and keep house points and “shop” twice per month during their lunch period.



23 HOW HAS THE HOUSE PLAN IMPACTED OUR SCHOOL? “I think I really like it because it gives you the opportunity to get to know students who you don’t see every day in class. You build relationships with students who you don’t get to see on a daily basis. “I like when I walk down the hallway and I hear the students cheering “Jushuku!” and wearing their colors on Small Group Day. It feels like we’re all together.”

24 Can We See the Plan in Action? Fear Factor! Happy Students! Happy Staff!

25 Session Evaluation Let us know what you thought of this session. Complete an evaluation electronically on the conference app, or complete the paper evaluation located in the back of the program book. CEU Code: QT-34 CEU Code Earn Continuing Education Units (CEU) to maintain your teaching certification. Write down the CEU Code for every session you attend on the CEU card located in the back of the program book.

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