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The 3rd International Congress of the “International Prof. Dr. Alireza Yalda Academic Foundation in Medical Sciences” 17-20 November 2012 Tehran, Iran.

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Presentation on theme: "The 3rd International Congress of the “International Prof. Dr. Alireza Yalda Academic Foundation in Medical Sciences” 17-20 November 2012 Tehran, Iran."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 3rd International Congress of the “International Prof. Dr. Alireza Yalda Academic Foundation in Medical Sciences” 17-20 November 2012 Tehran, Iran.


3 From dynamite to neurotransmission: the contribution of smooth muscle physiologists in discovery of the first gaseous transmitter Ahmad Reza Dehpour Dept. of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran November 2012 Tehran



6 Prof. Mohammad A. Alivand Khoyi

7 Prof. JS GillespieSir J Vane

8 Gillespie JS Br J Pharmacol 1971 Oct; 43(2):430p The rat anococcygeus: a new densely innervated smooth muscle preparation.



11 Prof. Frank Michal Ahmad R. Dehpour Prof. Gustav Born


13 Gillespie et al. Br J Pharmacol 1989 Dec; 98(4):1080-2. The effect of L-arginine and NG-monomethyl- arginine on the response of the rat anococcygeus muscle to NANC nerve stimulation.

14 Ever since William Harvey described the circulation of the blood, physiologists have realized that in sound and living vessels the blood remains fluid, but it coagulate in dead ones, (Ernst Bruke, 1857).

15 Endothelium-derived relaxing factors The vasoactivity of ACh had been an enigma for many years. In 1914, Dale found it to be vasodilator. In 1915, Hunt said it was vasoconstrictor. In 1951, Burn and his collegues found that it was vasodilator and vasoconstrictor. In 1980, Furchgott and Zawadzki showed that the endothelial lining was essential for the vasodilator action of ACh (Endothelium-dependent ACh- induced relaxation).





20 The endothelial cell as a metabolic and endocrine organ.



23 For decades, we have been discovering hormones and meditiators based on complex organic molecules such as peptides, amines, PGs and LTs. in 1987, it turns out that one of the most fascinating of them all is a simple one-to-one combination of the main element of the atmosphere. Pharmacology and Physiology (biological sciences) are full of surprises.

24 Dynamite cure Dynamite Alfred R. Noble Noble prizes Nitric oxide Alfered B. Noble

25 Thanks For Your Attention



28 Experimental NO Study

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