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G’day Mates! Welcome to the world of Australia. ESSENTIAL QUESTION Australia Through the 5 Themes of Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "G’day Mates! Welcome to the world of Australia. ESSENTIAL QUESTION Australia Through the 5 Themes of Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 G’day Mates! Welcome to the world of Australia

2 ESSENTIAL QUESTION Australia Through the 5 Themes of Geography

3 ESSENTIAL QUESTION How and why is Australia a unique PLACE in the world?

4 ESSENTIAL QUESTION Australia is a unique place in the world. Through our study of Australia, we will discover the human and physical traits that make it a unique place in the world. We will locate Australia and places in Australia using exact and relative location. We will study how people and the environment interact with each other, both today and in the past. We will learn how and why people, goods, and ideas move to and from Australia. And finally, we will learn about the region of the world in which Australia lies.

5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION Using this Nearpod presentation, you will learn about the 5 Themes of Geography. You will take notes independently from the presentation. Remember this is a first try for independent notes. Use you “egg” cards to quickly gauge your progress and understanding.

6 5 Themes of Geography LocationThe address of a place, where in the world something is. PlaceThe physical and human traits or characteristics of a specific location that make it special or unique. InteractionHow people effect the environment and how the environment effects people. MovementHow people, goods, and ideas get from one place to another RegionGroups of places that share common traits.

7 Location Location can be expressed in two basic ways: 1.Exact or Absolute Location – pinpointing where something is on earth Coordinates 2.Relative Location – relating the location of one place to the location of another. We use distance and/or direction Ex. Mexico is south of the United States Providence is 20 miles north of Exeter

8 Place Place is all about what makes a location unique or special. 1.Get specific about the natural elements of the place Climate … seasons, temperature, rainfall, wind, etc. Plants Animals Land & water forms 2. Get specific about the human elements of the place Culture Population

9 Human/Environment Interaction Interaction is all about how people and the environment effect each other. 1.There are three key ideas/concepts: Humans adapt to the environment. Humans modify the environment Humans depend on the environment 2.We can change the environment and the environment can change us. Interactions can be positive and negative.

10 Movement Movement is all about how, where, AND why people, goods and ideas move from one place to another place. 1.How, where and why do people move from one location to another? 2.Goods are shipped all over the world and within small areas. Trade between and within nations is Movement. 3.Because people and goods move, ideas are spread throughout the world.

11 Region A region is always a group of places that share similar traits. There are three basic types of regions 1.Formal regions – are those defined by governments and are not open to dispute ; United States, Brazil, Providence Physical regions also fit this definition; The Rockies, Great Lakes States 2. Functional Regions – are those defined by a function Get specific about the human elements of the place Southwest Airlines Regions Newspaper service region 3. Vernacular Regions – are those loosely defined by people’s perceptions. These are the most commonly used region names. New England, the Middle East, South County

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