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The Future Isn’t what It Used to Be! Supercomputing Challenge Summer Teacher Institute (STI) Alamogordo High School July 11, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future Isn’t what It Used to Be! Supercomputing Challenge Summer Teacher Institute (STI) Alamogordo High School July 11, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future Isn’t what It Used to Be! Supercomputing Challenge Summer Teacher Institute (STI) Alamogordo High School July 11, 2005

2 Too Bad that this is a Hoax!

3 Side effects from this presentation may include Drowsiness Listlessness Nausea Particularly if you suffer from Dataphobia But if you did you wouldn’t be here! Warning!

4 Population: 1980 vs 2004 NM1,300,00046%1,900,000 ABQ490,00047%720,000 Las Cruces96,00088%180,000 UNM22,50017%26,339 NMSU12,34733%16,428 IHEs58,62987%109,362 1980% incr2004 CCs10,104503%60,886 Schools271,20019%322,790

5 Salaries: 1980 vs 2004 LCPS start$11,920169%$32,120 Top$21,218157%$54,588 Grad Tuition$29/cr466%$164/cr Textbooks$15.95466%$90.20 $15.95586%$109.40 Paperback$1.95310%$7.99 1980% incr2004 Gasoline $1.25 $2.25 80%

6 Student Math Requirements 1980s“Old-style” objectives 1992 Essential Competencies based on NCTM Standards 1996 Content Standards & Benchmarks 1998 Performance Standards K-4, 5-8, 9-12 & quite specific, but not aligned w/ assessment 2002 Based on 2000 NCTM Standards K-8 grade specific and to be aligned w/ assessment

7 2005 Revision Last week of June 2005 Available for comment at Must be done by the end of next week And what about 21 st Century Skills??

8 High School Grad Requirements 1980 - 2 courses 1986 - 3 courses 2003 - 1 course has to be Algebra I 2009 - Add Geometry? 2010 - Add Algebra II? What data says kids are learning more? What unintended consequences? What support is needed?

9 “Highly Qualified” Middle School Math & Science Teachers w/ K-8 Colleges courses don’t tell it all, but … Sanders & Wenglinsky 1980 15 credits was to be required Rescinded before it went into effect 2001 NCLB 24 credits & test 24 credits or test 18 credits if 5 years tchg w/ last 2 + 12 credits if reviewed (6 if tchg > 1 subj)

10 NAEP Math Results Math G4 Scale Score 1992213219 Math G4 Scale Score 2003223234 Math G4 Proficient 199212%19% Math G4 Proficient 200318%35% Math G8 Scale Score 1990256262 Math G8 Scale Score 2003263276 NMNation Math G8 Proficient 199011%17% Math G8 Proficient 200317%32%

11 The Achievement Gap

12 High School “Achievement”: 1980 vs 2004 SAT % of grads14% Total SAT score9971097 ACT % of grads57%61% Total ACT Score17.620.0 HS grad rate <2576%82% HS grad rank44th40th 19802004

13 Math at NMSU Branches Fall ‘04 “Developmental” Math2,89674% College Credit Math1,00426% Intermediate Algebra50813% PreCalc (Int & Col Alg,Trig)67917% Math Appreciation1033% Math for ElEd Tchrs1233% Enrollment% total Calculus for Biol & Bus421% Other Calculus120.31%

14 Math at NMSU branches Fall ‘04

15 Math at NMSU-LC Fall ‘04 Intermediate Algebra782 22% PreCalc (Int & Col Alg,Trig)1,385 38% Math Appreciation474 13% Math for ElEd Tchrs202 6% Calculus for B&B311 9% Other Calculus629 17% Enrollment% total Total Lower Division3,198 88% Upper Division340 9% Graduate117 3%

16 Math at NMSU in LC Fall ‘04

17 Math at NMHU Fall ‘04 Development Math185 37% Intermediate Algebra97 22% PreCalc (Int & Col Alg,Trig)222 70% Math for ElEd Tchrs23 7% Calculus for B&B25 8% Other Calculus27 8% Enrollment% total Total Lower Division297 93% Upper Division20 6% Graduate2 1%

18 Math at NM Tech Fall ‘04 Intermediate Algebra 162% PreCalc (Int & Col Alg,Trig) 23422% Calculus 37536% Enrollment% total Total Lower Division 73070% Upper Division 28527% Graduate 303%

19 Promise not fully realized Integration of Technology 1981/2 – 301 “microcomputers” in schls Calculators as tools for learning Programming as a context for learning

20 Programming Courses at NMSU C S 110 “Computer Literacy” Two lessons on Visual BASIC CS 110 Enrollments in Fall 04 Main Campus1038 Alamogordo253 Carlsbad92 Doña Ana414 Grants112 Total1909

21 Programming Courses really C S 167 C Programming 27 in Fall & 16 in Spring 9 “A”, 9 “B”, 1 “C”, 2 “D”, 4 “F”, 2 “W” C S 171 Algorithmic Structures 40 in Fall & 27 in Spring C S 177 C++ Programming 3 in Spring C S 187 Java Programming 3 in Fall & 10 in Spring

22 Programming Courses at Branches In Fall 2004 In Alamogordo – nothing In Carlsbad – OECS 150 Visual BASIC (11) In Doña Ana – OECS 141 BASIC (14) OECS 192 C++ (12) In Grants - nothing

23 Closing gaps while raising the bar Aligned Standards & assessment Danger of teaching to tests Expecting more of high school But Grade 8 proficiency level? Without pushing many students out! Improving teaching as main job of all teachers

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