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SHRM Poll: Military Employment February 20, 2012.

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1 SHRM Poll: Military Employment February 20, 2012

2 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Key Findings  Are organizations hiring veterans? Roughly two-thirds of organizations (64%) have hired veterans within the past 36 months. This percentage has increased 11 percentage points compared with 2010 (53%). Larger organizations (100 or more employees) were more likely than smaller organizations (1 to 99 employees) to have hired veterans within the past 36 months.  Do organizations make specific efforts to hire veterans? Of organizations that have hired veterans in the past 36 months, 45% had made specific efforts. Of organizations that have not hired any veterans in the past 36 months, only 15% had made a specific effort to recruit veterans.  Are organizations aware of effective resources for recruiting veterans? Only 13% of organizations are very familiar with effective resources for finding veteran job candidates. Government agencies were more likely to be aware of effective resources for recruiting veterans. Only a small percentage of organizations are very familiar with, and use, the Depart of Labor’s Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (3%) and/or Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (4%). 2

3 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Key Findings  What online job boards are the most effective in helping to recruit veterans as potential job candidates? HR professionals indicated that Career Builder (39%), Monster (34%) and Indeed (23%) were the most effective for recruiting veterans.  What are the benefits of hiring employees with military experience? Among the organizations that had hired veterans within the past 36 months, the top three reported benefits were the candidate’s strong sense of responsibility (97%), and ability to see a task through to completion (96%) and the organization’s ability to give back to U.S. veterans by showing gratitude for their service (95%). Organizations that had not hired veterans within the past 36 months reported similar potential benefits.  What are the challenges of hiring employees with military experience? Approximately half of the organizations that have hired veterans in the past 36 months agreed or strongly agreed that the biggest challenges of hiring individuals with military experience are difficulty transitioning from a structure and hierarchy in the military culture to the civilian workplace culture (52%) and translating military skills to civilian job experience (50%). Post-traumatic stress disorder or other mental health issues (42%) were also reported as challenges when hiring veterans. 3

4 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 4 Within the past 36 months, has your organization hired any veterans as full-time, part-time or temporary/contract workers? Note: Respondents who answered “Not sure” were excluded from this analysis.

5 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Within the past 36 months, has your organization hired any veterans as full-time, part-time or temporary/contract workers? Smaller organizationsLarger organizationsDifferences based on organization staff size 1 to 99 employees (41%) 100 to 499 employees (68%) 500 to 2,499 employees (74%) 2,500 to 24,999 employees (76%) 25,000 or more employees (94%) Larger organizations > smaller organizations 5 Comparisons by organization staff size Larger organizations (100 or more employees) are more likely than smaller organizations (1 to 99 employees) to have hired veterans within the past 36 months. Comparisons by organization sector Publicly owned for-profit organizations and government agencies are more likely than privately owned for-profit organizations to have hired veterans within the past 36 months. Organization sectorDifferences based on organization sector Privately owned for-profit (55%) Publicly owned for-profit (82%) Government (91%) Publicly owned for-profit Government >privately owned for-profit

6 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Did your organization make a specific effort to recruit and hire veterans? 6 Have hired a veteran in the past 36 months Have not hired a veteran in the past 36 months 2012201020122010 Yes45%50%15%11% No, but planning a recruitment effort 13%11%14%11% No, and don’t have any plans to 42%39%71%78% Note: n = 133-150 (2012); n = 145-175 (2010).

7 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Did your organization make a specific effort to recruit and hire veterans? Smaller organizationsLarger organizationsDifferences based on organization staff size 1 to 99 employees (37%) 100 to 499 employees (31%) 25,000 or more employees (85%)Larger organizations > smaller organizations 7 Comparisons by organization staff size Of organizations that have hired veterans in the past 36 months, larger organizations (25,000 or more employees) are more likely to have made a specific effort to recruit and hire veterans compared with smaller organizations (1 to 499 employees).

8 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 How aware is your organization of effective resources for finding veteran job candidates? 8 n = 250

9 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 How aware is your organization of effective resources for finding veteran job candidates? 9 Comparisons by organization sector Government agencies are more likely to be very aware of effective resources for finding veteran job candidates compared with privately owned for-profit organizations. Privately owned for-profit organizations Government agenciesDifferences based on organization sector 8%32% Government agencies > privately owned for-profit organizations

10 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 How familiar are you with the following Department of Labor (DOL) veterans’ programs? Have you used either of these programs in your organization’s recruiting? 10 Note: n = 291 (2012); n = 364-365 (2010). Not at all familiar Somewhat familiar, but do not use Somewhat familiar and use Very familiar, but do not use Very familiar and use 2012201020122010201220102012201020122010 Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) 67%70%21%19%4%6%5%3% 2% Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) 64%68%21%16%7%9%4%3%4%

11 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 How familiar are you with the following Department of Labor (DOL) veterans’ programs? Have you used either of these programs in your organization’s recruiting? Smaller organizationsLarger organizationsDifferences based on organization staff size 1 to 99 employees (3%) 2,500 to 24,999 employees (2%) 25,000 or more employees (25%)Larger organizations > smaller organizations 11 Comparisons by organization staff size Larger organizations (25,000 or more employees) are more likely to be very familiar with and use the Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program compared with smaller organizations (1 to 99 employees and 2,500 to 24,999 employees).

12 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Within the past 36 months, how effective have the following national online job boards been in helping your organization recruit veterans as potential job candidates? Not applicable; my organization does not use this source Not at all effectiveSomewhat effectiveVery effective Vault95%3%2%0% Militaryhire.com94%2%3%1% Vetsuccess.gov91%2%6%1% HireVetsFirst90%2%6%2% Recruit Military90%2%6%2% Jobcentral88%4%7%1% Vetjobs.com88%2%9%2% CareerOneStop87%4%7%2% Simplyhired84%4%9%2% HotJobs77%9%12%2% Indeed69%8%19%4% Monster47%18%31%3% Career Builder46%15%32%7% 12 Note: n = 277-293. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.

13 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 In addition to the job boards listed above, what other sources does your organization use to recruit veteran job candidates? 13 Note: List is not inclusive of all responses.    Craigslist     Industry contacts  Job fairs   LinkedIn   Recruiters and/or staffing agencies   State or local sponsored programs, employment listings or job boards   Word of mouth/referrals  WorkSource

14 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 How likely is your organization to actively recruit unemployed veterans and/or unemployed veterans with disabilities now that there is a tax credit available? 14

15 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 15 To what extent would each of the following help your organization’s efforts to recruit and hire military veterans? Note: n = 266-277 (2012); n = 302-335(2010). Respondents who answered “N/A – Experienced in this area, do not need assistance” were excluded from this analysis. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding. An asterisk (*) indicates that this response choice was not available in 2010. Would not help at all Would help a littleWould help somewhat Would help a lot 20122010201220102012201020122010 Assistance identifying and reaching out to qualified veterans 6%9%17%20%31%39%46%32% Information about how military skills map to civilian job-related skills 8%*14%*34%*44%* Programs to help veterans transition their military skills to the civilian workplace 7%11%16%18%38%35%40%36% Programs to help veterans transition from military culture to civilian workplace culture 8%12%19%22%36%35%37%31% Programs to train veterans with additional skills for the civilian workplace 8%12%20%16%40%33% 39% Information about and support for dealing with potential challenges veterans may face, such as PTSD or other mental health issues 12%18%21%24%36%32%31%26% Information about and support for dealing with potential challenges veterans with physical disabilities may face 11%17%26%24%34%35%30%24%

16 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 16 Do you agree that the following are benefits of hiring employees with military experience? Organizations that have hired veterans in the past 36 months (n = 99-160) Organizations that have not hired veterans in the past 36 months, but have made an effort to do so (n = 13-17) Organizations that have not hired veterans in the past 36 months and have not made an effort to do so (n = 84-119) Strong sense of responsibility97%94%99% Ability to see a task through to completion96%94%98% The organization’s ability to give back to U.S. veterans by showing gratitude for their service 95%100%99% Promoting patriotism at the organization94%101%95% Ability to work as part of a team94% 99% Ability to work under pressure94% 98% High degree of professionalism93%88%97% Strong leadership skills90%100%95% Positive enhancement of the organization’s image and/or credibility 90%100%94% Note: The percentages above reflect only the responses of “strongly agree” or “agree.”

17 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 17 Do you agree that the following are benefits of hiring employees with military experience? (continued) Note: The percentages above reflect only the responses of “strongly agree” or “agree.” Organizations that have hired veterans in the past 36 months (n = 99-160) Organizations that have not hired veterans in the past 36 months, but have made an effort to do so (n = 13-17) Organizations that have not hired veterans in the past 36 months and have not made an effort to do so (n = 84-119) Strong problem-solving skills90%87%97% Technology/information technology skills and training 88%87%91% Ability to multitask88%79%94% Ability to adapt to changing situations quickly 87%94%99% Job-specific skills86%85% Global perspective80%93%87% Strategic planning/foresight79%86%88% Fulfillment of federal and/or state affirmative action requirements 78%87%89% Knowledge/expertise of defense issues77%87%89%

18 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Based on your overall experience, do you agree that each of the following is a challenge in hiring employees with military experience? 18 Note: n = 154-159. Only respondents whose organization had hired veterans in the past 36 months were asked this question. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.

19 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Demographics: Organization Industry 19 Note: n = 290. Percentages do not total 100% due to multiple response options. IndustryPercentage Manufacturing20% Professional, scientific and technical services15% Health care and social assistance13% Finance and insurance11% Other services except public administration8% Educational services7% Public administration6% Construction of buildings; heavy and civil engineering construction; specialty trade contractors 4% Transportation and warehousing4% Accommodation and food services3% Retail trade3% Real estate and rental and leasing3%

20 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Demographics: Organization Industry 20 Note: n = 290. Percentages do not total 100% due to multiple response options. An asterisks (*) indicates < 1%. IndustryPercentage Arts, entertainment, and recreation3% Utilities3% Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services2% Information, publishing industries2% Mining2% Wholesale trade2% Management of companies and enterprises1% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting1% Religious, grant-making, civic, professional and similar organizations1% Repair and maintenance1% Personal and laundry services*

21 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Demographics: Organization Sector 21 n = 291

22 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Demographics: Organization Staff Size 22 n = 283

23 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 Demographics: Other 23 U.S.-based operations only73% Multinational operations27% Single-unit company: A company in which the location and the company are one and the same. 38% Multi-unit company: A company that has more than one location. 63% Multi-unit headquarters determines HR policies and practices 46% Each work location determines HR policies and practices 3% A combination of both the work location and the multi-unit headquarters determine HR policies and practices 52% Is your organization a single-unit company or a multi-unit company? Are HR policies and practices determined by the multi-unit corporate headquarters, by each work location or both? Does your organization have U.S.- based operations (business units) only or does it operate multi-nationally? n = 259Note: n = 296. Percentages do not total 100% due to rounding. Note: n = 189. Percentages do not total 100% due to rounding. Corporate (company wide)56% Business unit/division24% Facility/location20% n = 188 What is the HR department/function for which you responded throughout this survey?

24 Military Employment ©SHRM 2012 SHRM Poll: Military Employment  Response rate = 13%  Sample composed of 359 randomly selected HR professionals from SHRM’s membership  Margin of error is +/- 5%  Survey fielded January 4-22, 2012 24 Methodology For more poll findings, visit Follow us on Twitter:

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