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Worksite Wellness Programs Goal:Provide opportunities for employees to engage in sustained health-promoting activities and be rewarded with financial incentives.

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Presentation on theme: "Worksite Wellness Programs Goal:Provide opportunities for employees to engage in sustained health-promoting activities and be rewarded with financial incentives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worksite Wellness Programs Goal:Provide opportunities for employees to engage in sustained health-promoting activities and be rewarded with financial incentives for meeting specific goals. Healthy Lifestyle Incentive Challenge Rewards for Fitness with New York Sports Club Spring and Fall Walking Program

2 Healthy Lifestyle Incentive Challenge Challenge Categories: “Lose to Win”Weight Management + Physical “Active for Life”Physical Activity “Quit and Fit”Tobacco Cessation + Physical Activity “Healthy Expectations”Prenatal Wellness + Physical Activity Register to participate at any time, and participate in 4 -month cycles Submit the required documentation for review of goals met Receive a $75 incentive in their paycheck Can re-enroll for new cycle in same category or change to another “Challenge” category Employees that complete (2) two cycles within a calendar year are entered into Annual Raffle Drawing.

3 Reach and Rewards for Fitness with New York Sports Club (NYSC) Reach for Fitness – Employees and family members can join NYSC at a significantly discounted membership rate negotiated by the Medical Center. Rewards for Fitness – Employees are rewarded with financial incentives for documented attendance at NYSC Exercise Goal: Attend at least 50 times/6 months Utilization calculated on calendar year basis (January 1-Jun 30 & July 1-December 31) Incentive:Employees that meet this goal receive a $100 award in their paycheck/6 month cycle

4 Goal: 90 minutes of exercise/week for 14 weeks Exercise independently and may join peer-led, organized lunchtime walks (2x/week/40 min./walk) that take place at 5 NYULMC locations, each with designated walking routes. Employees are given a walking route map and log to track and document activity Upon successful completion, participants attend a graduation ceremony and receive non-financial incentive gifts and certificate of completion After 2 years of ongoing participation, participants receive recognition by being inducted into the “Walkers’ Hall of Fame” Spring and Fall Lunchtime Walking & Exercise Incentive Program

5 Program Outcomes ProgramGoalTime FrameNumber of Participants Incentives Paid Healthy Lifestyle Incentive Challenge Physical Activity 90 minutes/week or 40,000steps/week for 4 months April 2014-April 2015 55 $4125 @ $75/goal met Reach and Rewards for Fitness Attend NYSC 2x/week for 26 weeks Jan 1,-June 30, 2014 July 1, --Dec 31, 2014 83$8600 @ $100/goal Spring and Fall Lunchtime Walking and Exercise Incentive Program 90 minutes/weekSpring 2014 Fall 2014 67$1340 Gift Value @$20/gift Total Financial Incentives $12,725 Total Non-Financial Incentive gifts $1340

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