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Muscle Tissues Muscle tissue is like what part of an airplane? Contract in response to stimulus  muscle fibers shorten  move body parts Types: – Skeletal.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscle Tissues Muscle tissue is like what part of an airplane? Contract in response to stimulus  muscle fibers shorten  move body parts Types: – Skeletal."— Presentation transcript:


2 Muscle Tissues Muscle tissue is like what part of an airplane? Contract in response to stimulus  muscle fibers shorten  move body parts Types: – Skeletal – Smooth – Cardiac

3 Skeletal Muscle Tissue Cells are long and threadlike Cells have striations: alternating light and dark cross-markings Each cell has many nuclei

4 Skeletal (Cont’d) Fun fact: 40% of the body is skeletal muscle Where? Muscles that attach to bone and are moved by conscious, voluntary, effort Functions: Muscles with skeletal tissue move head, trunk, limbs; facial expressions, write, talk, sing, beat Whitefield in the game tonight, etc…

5 Smooth Question: Is this tissue striated? Smooth = no striations Shorter than skeletal, spindle shaped, one central nucleus

6 Smooth (Cont’d) Fun fact: 10% of the body is smooth muscle Where? Walls of hollow internal organs (stomach, intestine, bladder, uterus, blood vessels) Functions: Movement of substance within the body (waste, blood, etc) Cannot be contracted consciously – involuntary – Ex of involuntary: smooth muscle moves food through digestive tract

7 Cardiac Cells are striated and branched  make complex networks, one nucleus Can you control when your heart contracts or beats? Involuntary

8 Cardiac (cont’d) Where? Only in the heart Function: pumps blood through the heart chambers and into blood vessels

9 Nervous tissue Nervous tissue is like what part of an airplane? Cells are neurons – Support cells are neuroglial cells

10 Nervous tissue (cont’d) Where? Brain, spinal cord, nerves FUNCTIONS- 1.NEURONS: Sense changes in surroundings and transmit nerve impulses to other neurons, muscles, or glands Coordinate, regulate, integrate body functions

11 Nervous tissue (cont’d) 2. NEUROGLIAL CELLS: Support and bind parts of nervous tissue Supply nutrients to neurons (connect to blood vessels)

12 Based on what you know of nervous and muscle tissue… Complete this table in pairs: TypeFunctionLocation Skeletal Gross body mvmtAttached to skeleton Smooth Mvmt of substance in bodyWalls of hollow organs, blood vessels Cardiac Mvmt of bloodHeart Nervous Neuron: coordination/integration/control Neuroglial: provide nutrients/structure for neurons Brain, Spine, Nerves

13 Recap On a sheet of scrap paper: For each slide, write the type of muscle or nervous tissue and explain why.

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